Housekeeping for the Soul by Sandra Carrington-Smith

Sandra Carrington-Smith's debut book, Housekeeping for the SOUL

Housekeeping used to be a virtue.

For the modern woman torn by the demands of full time work and a family, or fully occupied with home schooling her family of children, and perhaps the neighbor’s children too, housekeeping is no longer the art and science that it used to be.

But most of us are all to aware that we are not keep up on this front – which is why Fly Lady has a following of over a half a million women! (If you haven’t heard of her, she’s a phenomenon, so please click on her link to see if she resonates with you.)

Housekeeping for our minds, hearts and souls often gets forgotten as everyone around women wants time and attention.

(Did any of your mothers used to stay a little longer than normal behind the closed doors of the bathroom, sneaking a few moments of peace and quiet from you or your siblings? Maybe they had another way of getting some quiet time?)

Housekeeping for the Soul is writer Sandra Carrington-Smith‘s debut book, and it is about the internal housekeeping within our minds, hearts and souls. The inner cleansing of spirit that is necessary to cultivate and nourish our happiness and the well-being of those around us.

Carrington-Smith comes by her wisdom naturally, with a rich family history of spiritual traditions and an uplifting spirit and insight. She is a prolific blogger which gives readers a chance to see if her message is valuable to them, a chance for her to earn your trust, and plenty of new material to satisfy those of us who love how she thinks, feels and writes.

What is your favorite spiritually nourishing book and why?

Category: Book Reviews, Spiritual Books by Women, US American Women Writers

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