Authors Interviewing Characters: Allison Ashley

August 9, 2023 | By | Reply More


ER nurse Claire and her roommate slash firefighter Graham Scott have come up with a not-so-traditional pact: if they are still single by the time they’re forty, they’ll take the plunge and become friends with benefits. To Claire, the agreement is a safe-enough deal, considering she hasn’t had much luck in love and Graham is in NO rush to settle down. And she definitely couldn’t see herself falling for a thrill-seeker like Graham after what happened to her father. Just as things begin to heat up way before the deadline, Graham’s injured in a serious rock-climbing accident—and he needs Nurse Claire’s help. But with this no-strings arrangement turning into Claire moving into his bed to take care of him, keeping “for now” from turning into “forever” isn’t as easy as they’d planned.

Allison Ashley Interviews Claire Harper

Me: So, what’s it like living with a man you’re not in a relationship with?

Claire: First of all, I’ve never lived with a man I was in a relationship with, so I have nothing to compare it to. But when it comes to living with Graham…it has its pros and cons. 

Me: What are the pros?

Claire: He makes sure we always have my favorite snacks in the house. Comedic relief, which I need sometimes after a rough day at the hospital. The bathroom smells amazing after he takes a shower. And he’s…not bad to look at.

Me: Cons?

Claire: His body temperature must be Inferno because he’s constantly pushing the thermostat below 70. I swear he’s trying to freeze Reagan and I out. His video games are ridiculous and some nights he plays them until two in the morning. But hands down the worst part is his devil dog, Gertrude.

Me: His…tiny, fluffy, adorable Yorkie?

Claire: Don’t make her out to be some sweetheart. She’s a menace. She hates me.

Me: Does it bother Graham you and his dog don’t get along?

Claire: Hardly—he says he likes having his two best girls fighting over him.

Me, arching brow: Best girls, huh? Is there something going on between you and Graham?

Claire: Absolutely not.

Me: Are you sure? You find him attractive, think he’s funny, he smells good…

Claire: …he’s a womanizer, adrenaline junkie, argumentative…

Me: Some would say you’re not exactly easy to get along with either, right?

Claire: What are you suggesting?

Me: That maybe Graham’s the kind of guy who could keep you on your toes. Life certainly wouldn’t be boring with him, that’s for sure.

Claire: After what happened to my daredevil father, maybe boring’s what I want. What I need, even. 

Me: Fair point. But what about the pact, then? 

Claire: *pause* How do you know about the pact?

Me: I have my ways.

Claire: The pact was a joke, okay? I was trying to get two of my friends together, and suggested a marriage pact between the four of us. I told Graham we’d get married at 40 if we were both single, but I wasn’t serious. He knows that.

Me: Are you sure about that?

Claire: Yes! I…I think so, at least. There’s no way he actually thinks we’re getting married.

Me: Not even after that kiss in his room the other day?

Claire: How do you know about THAT?

Me: *shrugs*

Claire: That meant nothing. Momentary lapse in judgement. 

Me: I’m not so sure he’d agree.

Claire: Oh, don’t worry. After this conversation I’ll make sure to set him straight when I get home. Because if there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s this: Graham Scott is the last man on earth I’d be in a relationship with.

Me, to myself: Famous last words…


Allison Ashley is a science geek who enjoys coffee, craft beer, baking, and love stories. When she’s not working at her day job as a clinical oncology pharmacist, she pens contemporary romances, usually with a medical twist. She lives in Oklahoma with her family and beloved rescue dog.

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