An Interview with Ex-Demon Huntress Hadley Caldwell

October 17, 2024 | By | Reply More

by Lenore Borja, author of the Mirror Realm Series


For fans of Kendare Blake’s Goddess War series comes this second installment in a gripping YA fantasy series that follows a band of huntresses taking on a world of demons and gods.

For years, Hadley Caldwell kept humanity safe by hunting demons. But that came to an end when the Mirror Realm disappeared. Now her life is filled with bridesmaid dresses, family pressures, and—oh yeah—hosting ancient deities in her sleep. It’s not world-saving work, but if dream-hosting is all it takes to keep the gods happy, she’s willing to play along and leave her huntress days behind her. That is, until the gods demand something more: the Portal of Osiris.

The Portal was part of the Realm. It shouldn’t exist anymore. But the gods believe it does, and claim it holds the key to their salvation. The quest for the Portal takes Hadley and her band of huntress sisters on an enigmatic adventure to the sands of Egypt and beyond. But chasing a portal isn’t as easy as outrunning your past, and soon the only things Hadley knows for certain are that the gods can’t be trusted . . . and some portals should never be found.

Join Hadley, Alice, Olivia, and Soxie in this electrifying second book of the Mirror Realm series as they traverse the globe on an ancient scavenger hunt full of mystery, magic, intrigue, and sisterhood.

It’s not every day a writer gets the chance to interview one of her creations. So when Hadley Caldwell—the main character in my second book, The Lost Portal—breezes into the bustling coffee shop where we’ve agreed to meet, I’m surprised to see mine isn’t the only head turning. It’s not that pretty girls haven’t walked into this Starbucks before. We’re in Tempe, Arizona, a popular college town filled with beautiful, sun-kissed girls. But this young lady stands out. She’s effortlessly cool in black leather pants, motorcycle boots, and a casual white tee, and her blond, windblown hair nearly floats behind her as she cuts across the room. Despite her lanky, six-foot frame, she moves with the grace of a jungle cat—aware of her surroundings, yet blissfully ignorant of the effect she has on them. When she plops down in the seat across from me, her intense blue eyes bore into mine, making me feel oddly self-conscious. After gathering my wits, I introduce myself with as much professionalism as I can muster. 

Lenore Borja: Thanks for sitting down with me today, Hadley. It’s nice to finally meet you in person. 

Hadley Caldwell: Thanks. It’s nice to meet you too. Is this for me?  

LB: (I push the frozen drink toward her) One Venti Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with two shots of espresso and extra whipped cream, as requested. I’m sorry, but they were out of those puffed marshmallow bars. Can I get you something else? 

HC: No, this is great. Thanks. (She takes a sip and checks the time on her phone) Is this going to take long, though? I have a bridal fitting to get to. 

LB: Oh, you’re getting married? Congratulations!

HC: Who, me? Ha! That’s funny. No, my friend Alice—she’s the one getting married. I’m just a bridesmaid. 

LB: Well, that’s still exciting. You must be very happy for your friend. 

HC: Sure, I guess.

LB: Hmm. You don’t sound convinced. Do you not approve of the groom?

HC: (sigh) It’s not that. He’s okay. I just don’t get the whole marriage thing. But to each their own, right? And David and Alice are soulmates. He makes her happy, and that’s all I care about. 

LB: Alice is lucky to have a friend like you.

HC: I’m the lucky one. 

LB: That’s sweet. You seem to have a really deep connection. 

HC: Well, we’re huntresses. We are connected.

LB: I’m glad you brought that up. As a huntress, your job was to hunt demons in the Mirror Realm, but I understand it disappeared last year. Do you miss it? 

HC: The Realm? Oh gosh, yes. I miss it every day.

LB: Can you describe it? What was it like?

HC: It’s hard to put into words. Imagine infinite hallways of mirrors where you could run sideways and upside down, even fly through the air while a rainstorm or blue skies with fluffy clouds appeared in the glass around you. It was a never-ending maze of color and light, like something from a dream. It was magical.

LB: Sure sounds like it. But what about the demons? What was their purpose?

HC: To create chaos, mainly. They influenced and corrupted people by infecting them through their reflections. 

LB: You mean—

HC: Yes. Anytime you looked in a mirror, a demon could have been watching you from the other side, waiting to infect you. But they only targeted people who already had a bit of evil inside them—or at least the potential for it—if that makes you feel better.

LB: Somehow it doesn’t.

HC: Why, honey? Do you have something to hide?

LB: Don’t we all? 

HC: (giggles) Good point. But the Realm is gone, and so are the demons. You have nothing to worry about. We made sure of that.

LB: We? 

HC: Alice, Soxie, Olivia, and me. We’re a team. 

LB: You’re referring to your fellow huntresses. Will you tell me a little more about them? 

HC: Well, let’s see. Soxie is a force—a little hot-headed at times, but fiercely protective and loyal. She’s a tough nut to crack, but once you’re in, you’re in for life. And Olivia? She is the smartest person you’ll ever meet, and not just because she knows what you’re thinking—literally. The girl reads minds but she’s even better at problem-solving. And then there’s Alice. Don’t let the tiny frame, delicate features, and snow-white hair fool you. She’s no Tinkerbell. She took on the God of the Underworld and lived to tell about it. She’s tougher than all of us combined. We’re… how can I describe it? We’re friends, but we’re more than that. We’re sisters. 

LB: You mean, spiritually. Because of your huntress connection.

HC: If you want to get technical, sure. But the truth is, they’re my world—my ride-or-dies. We’re soulmates

LB: I thought Alice already had a soulmate. 

HC: Who says you only get one? 

LB: Touché. So these girls, they’re like family to you. What about your own family? What can you tell me about them?

HC: A lot. But I’d rather not.

LB: I take it you’re not close.

HC: Bingo.

LB: There’s nothing you can share?

HC: Fine. You want to know about my family? They’re criminals. They steal cars. I practically grew up in my grandfather’s chop shop. You know, a place where they strip stolen cars and sell them for parts. 

LB: (chuckles) Yes, I know what a chop shop is. Your grandfather ran it?

HC: Right up until the day he died. Then my brother took over. 

LB: What about your parents? Are they involved in the family business? 

HC: My dad got out years ago. Now he sells used cars. He’s good at it too—a lot better than he was at stealing them.

LB: And your mother?

HC: I never knew her. She died the day I was born.

LB: I see. I’m very sorry for your loss. 

HC: Thanks.

LB: So your father raised you?

HC: Sort of. He taught me how to defend myself and made sure I learned practical skills like how to hotwire a car, change a transmission, or pick a lock—stuff like that. So I guess that counts. 

LB: I’d argue the practical part, but certainly an interesting skill set. What about your brother? 

HC: I don’t want to talk about him.

LB: Because he was recently sentenced to prison?

HC: I see someone’s done their homework.

LB: It’s part of the job.

HC: Yes, he’s in prison. And it’s where he belongs. 

LB: And yet, he’s still your brother.

HC: Listen, I get you have to ask these questions but Caleb is off-limits. Not your fault—I should have made that clear before I agreed to this. It’s just… it’s in the past, you know? 

LB: Understood. So let’s talk about the future, then. What’s next for you and your huntress sisters?

HC: Good question. I wish I knew. Right now we’re busy planning Alice and David’s wedding. That, and hosting the gods in our dreams.  

LB: That sounds complicated. 

HC: It depends on the god. But their world is dying, and hopping into our dreams is the only thing keeping them going. We have no choice but to oblige—for now.

LB: What does that mean?

HC: It means you can’t trust the gods. Ever. Any second the game could change. I just hope we’re ready when it does.

LB: Sounds like you were raised to be ready for anything.

HC: Yeah, well. We’ll see. (checks phone again) So, are we done here? Did you get everything you need? 

LB:  I think so. Just one more question. 

HC: What is it?

LB: Do you ever wish things were different? 

HC: How so?

LB: Well, you’ve been fighting gods and demons for years. If you had it to do all over again, what would you change?

HC: (She shrugs, picks up her drink, and stands) Nothing. I’m a huntress. It’s what I was always meant to be.

LB:  Thank you for your time, Hadley. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. Take care of yourself, okay?

HC: Thanks, honey. I always do. 

And with that, she turns and glides out the door. I watch her go, charmed and disarmed, and suddenly hankering for a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino of my own—because I know she’d approve. I may have created this strong, confident, and complicated creature, but I have a feeling she’s the one calling the shots. And you know what? I’m here for it.

As of press time, Hadley Caldwell and her huntress sisters—Olivia Diaz, Sharon (Soxie) Roxland, and Alice Daniels—are reported to be in Cairo, Egypt in search of an ancient relic. More on this as the story develops. 


Lenore Borja grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. She attended Arizona State University before moving to New York City to study acting at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. After a brief career as an actress, she spent several years working in executive search and human resources in New York and San Francisco. She now resides in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband and a bossy feline named Maximus. When she’s not writing, she enjoys adventure travel and anything that gets the heart racing, whether it’s hiking, running, or getting lost in a good book.

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Category: Interviews, Women Writers

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