Author Archive: Women Writers Women Books
Dutch by birth and serial emigrant, Barbara currently lives with her husband and daughter in a tiny village in Galicia, Spain, as basic and simple as can be. W Barbara's website.

When Did I Get Old ?! by Ellen Yaffa
by Ellen Yaffa Aging is like a cautionary tale. A horrified friend lectures her 70-year old husband as he descends from the roof, “At your age, you shouldn’t be climbing up ladders!” My daughter warns, “Watch your step, use your flashlight.” My partner’s refrain: “Be careful! And whatever you do, don’t fall!” Vulnerability is in […]

Who’s Driving This Novel, Anyway?
By Ellen Meister I’m a pretty intrepid driver. By that I mean I’m unfazed crossing the bridge from suburban Long Island, where I live, to the hurried, harried, horn-hectic streets of Manhattan. But Brooklyn? Dear god, Brooklyn knocks the stuffing out of me. And yet, I chose to set my most recent novel there. A […]

On Creating Galiot Press
by Henriette Lazaridis Co-Founder, Galiot Press A few years ago, I made what was already my customary joke about publishing to a writer friend of mine. “When I have my publishing company,” I said, “I’m going to fix all that.” But I wasn’t really joking, and I think my friend could tell. Because her reply […]

From Headlines to Page: How I Transformed a National News Story into a Suspense Novel
By Regina Buttner Several years ago in my former hometown, the local media was abuzz with the tale of a young man whose parents were compelled to take the drastic step of evicting him from their suburban home for refusing to get a job and contribute to the household. It was a hard-to-believe story that […]

Writing A Romance Series about Love and Healing Saved My Life
By Patricia Leavy Let me tell you a little bit about my new novel and the series it launches. I wrote it in the hope of bringing joy, comfort, and maybe a little healing and inspiration to others. In fact, the novel has done all that and much more for me. I believe it saved […]

My Writing Journey, by Marie W. Watts
My writing journey has been a long and winding one. It began with what appeared to be a perfectly normal middle-class childhood for the 1950s and 60s in Baytown, Texas. I had two parents who cared about me, a brother 18 months younger than me to fight with, a stay-at-home mom, all the comforts you […]

In-Limbo? Time to Write, Market, Grow!
By Donna Norman-Carbone The term in-limbo has some negative connotations. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines it as: a place or state of confinement or oblivion, one of uncertainty. The definition I associate with this term, however, is a transitional state or place. As a writer, I often find myself in a state of limbo whether I […]

Kay Smith-Blum: My Writing Journey
My tale begins with rejection. My personal tally for the three manuscripts I have written since 2016 includes 68 rejections but one in particular was pivotal. On April 22, 2022, seasoned literary agent, Kevan Lyon, from whom I had “won” a First-Pages review via the WFWA auction, advised me in a very kind and empathetic […]

Literary Tools for Next Level Writing By Jessica McCann
By Jessica McCann When a couple has been together 35 years, they develop a sort of code for sharing opinions. For example, when I tell my husband that his guy movie is “hilarious,” he knows I mean idiotic. (Think anything with Chevy Chase.) Likewise, when he remarks that a book is “literary” or “poignant,” what […]

A Writer in LibraryLand by Kathy Anderson
By Kathy Anderson Today I’m the author of a novel, The New Town Librarian (NineStar Press, 2023). But once upon a time, I was a new town librarian in real life. Fresh out of graduate school with my Master of Library Science degree, I was hired as the director of a small-town public library in […]
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