From Publisher To Writer

March 4, 2017 | By | Reply More


It was a long held dream of mine to write a novel. In fact I attempted it several times before finally realising my dream. The problem was I never truly believed my writing was of any merit thus resulting in many unfinished manuscripts, which were unceremoniously consigned to a drawer that was rarely opened. This desire to write never left me but at that time my self-belief and confidence could not match the desire.

Fast forward a few years and I’m still writing, (albeit just for myself and my children) and I am now a partner in a small publishing company.

This was a short-lived venture that, although not a commercial success taught and gave me a great deal. It gave me a basic insight into the world of publishing; informing me of the do’s and don’ts. It brought me in to contact with many people all with a wealth of experience in this sector.

It told me that I wanted to be a writer and not a publisher, but the greatest gift I got, from what was, in business terms anyway, a failure, was the confidence to write and to share my writing. After all, we write to be read.

The route from page to publisher can be a very fraught one and I hoped that if my work was deemed suitable for publication I would find a publisher and/or an agent who would smooth this passage for me. I did not want to just hand over my work and wait for the book to appear, but equally I did not want to be totally responsible for every decision, which is why I knew self-publishing was not for me.

What I was looking for, was someone who would allow me to have a voice, guide me through the process, someone who would work with me; after all the words are mine. I would like some input regarding editing and design. I would like to know about distribution and marketing ideas. In short what I wanted was to find someone I could collaborate with.

When I learnt of Urbane Publications and its owner and founder Matthew Smith I was suitably impressed.  Matthew’s vision and ideas were exactly what I had been looking for. Urbane’s ethos is collaboration; collaboration with author, working partners and ultimately the reader. When I signed with Urbane Publications I knew I had found my publishing home.

It is often said we learn more from our failures than our successes. My failure as a publisher galvanised my writing and led me to Urbane’s door. Ultimately my failure was my success for it gave me the confidence to have a go at what I really wanted to do.

My debut novel is Beware the Cuckoo, it publishes May 18th 2017. My second novel is almost complete and I’m sure there will be many more to follow for I have finally opened the drawer.

Julie was born in East London but now lives a rural life in North Essex. She is married with two children. Her working life has seen her have a variety of jobs, including running her own publishing company. She is the author of the children’s book Poppy and the Garden Monster.

Julie writes endlessly and when not writing she is reading. Other interests include theatre, music and running. Besides her family, the only thing she loves more than books is Bruce Springsteen….

Follow her on Twitter @julesmnewman


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Category: Contemporary Women Writers, On Writing

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