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I’ll See You In Paris, Michelle Gable

Bespotted, Linda Gray Sexton

In Another Life, Julie Christine Johnson

The Sender, Toni Jenkins

Blood and Roses, Catherine Hokin

Romance Diet, Destiny Allison

Wilde’s Women, Eleanor Fitzsimons

A Cold Death in Amsterdam, Anja de Jager

A Taste For Nightshade, Martine Bailey

Annie´s Story, Fenella Forster

Gullible Travels: a Memoir, Hazel Katherine Larkin

Hotel Arcadia, Sunny Singh

The Christmas We Met, Kate Lord Brown

The Far End of Happy, Kathryn Craft

Finding the Rainbow, Rachel McGrath

Entanglement, Katie Rose Guest Pryal

Chance Harbor, Holly Robinson

Paint My Body Red, Heidi R. Kling

The Good Neighbor, Amy Sue Nathan

Beautiful Affliction, Lene Fogelberg

In Search Of Mary, Bee Rowlatt

My Mother is a River, Donatella Di Pietrantonio and Franca Scurti Simpson

House of Dreams, Fanny Blake

I Can’t Begin to Tell You, Elizabeth Buchan

Shadows Over Paradise – Isabel Wolff

Under a Dark Summer Sky, Vanessa Lafaye

What Is Found, What Is Lost – Anne Leigh Parrish

Thieving Forest, Martha Conway

We’re All Made of Stars, Rowan Coleman

The Sisters, Claire Douglas

With Blood and Scars, BE Andre

The Lodger, Louisa Treger

Under a Cornish Sky, Liz Fenwick

Beyond The Sea, Melissa Bailey

The Seasoning, Manon Steffan Ros

You, Me and Other People, Fionnuala Kearney

Jessica Markwell, Dappled Light

Alison Morton, Perfiditas

Alina Garcia LaPuerta, La Belle Creole

Lemongrass Hope, Amy Impellizzeri

A Paris Apartment, Michelle Gable

Someone Else’s Conflict, Alison Layland

You’ll be thinking of me, Densie Webb

Revolt Qaisra – Sharaz NOVEL

We that are left, Juliet Greenwood

Aurelia, Alison Morton

Wet Silence, Sweta Vikram

Lies and Other Acts of Love, Kristy Woodson Harvey

Killing Hapless Ally, Anna Vaught

Anne Boyd Rioux, Constance Fenimore Woolson: Portrait of a Lady Novelist

The Promise of Forgiveness, Marin Thomas

The Girl from the Savoy, Hazel Gaynor (US Version)

The Girl from the Savoy, Hazel Gaynor (UK version)

Talk of the Toun, Helen MacKinven

Fall of Poppies, Anthology

Never Isn’t Long Enough, Diane Pickett

Growing Up Superheroes, Diane Fraser

Yelena Parker, Moving Without Shaking

Heidi Siefkas, When All Balls Drop MEMOIR

Diane De Bella, I Am Subject MEMOIR

Burnt Norton, Caroline Sandon

Elaine Neil Orr, A Different Sun – NOVEL

Stella Atrium, Seven Beyond – FANTASY

Mama’s Child by Joan Steinau Lester – NOVEL

Laura Munson, Haven Writing Retreats

Elizabeth Marro, Casualties

Born Into the Children of God, Natacha Tormey

The Ballroom, Anna Hope

The Secret to Hummingbird Cake, Celeste Fletcher McHale

Things My Mother Taught Me, Claire Halliday
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