Search Results for 'Offers '

The Story Behind The Healing Train

The Story Behind The Healing Train

The Story Behind The Healing Train After battling breast cancer, I began working on the novel I had started before I got sick. But the words wouldn’t come no matter how hard I tried, so I set it aside in favor of getting more rest. As I lay in bed, thinking about all that occurred […]

February 2, 2024 | By | Reply More
Rendering Judgments Without Judging: On Healing Others and Self by Sarah Kim, Th.D.

Rendering Judgments Without Judging: On Healing Others and Self by Sarah Kim, Th.D.

Rendering Judgments Without Judging: On Healing Others and Self Sarah Kim, Th.D. In a nation built by immigrants such as America, more people live between cultures while everyone is exposed to ethnic diversity. Navigating through a culturally diverse society may be stimulating but also challenging, especially if one must serve as a cultural mediator. As […]

February 1, 2024 | By | Reply More
Authors Interviewing Characters: Kelley McNeil, author of Mayluna

Authors Interviewing Characters: Kelley McNeil, author of Mayluna

Authors Interviewing Characters: Kelley McNeil, author of Mayluna “McNeil’s latest is a dreamy, melancholy look back at young love…Fans of wistful love stories and intellectual music retrospectives will appreciate the astronomical metaphors throughout, intertwining music, math, and the planets into this complicated love story.”  —Booklist In MAYLUNA, the story is revealed between a legendary band, […]

February 1, 2024 | By | Reply More
CATS: True Tails and Life Lessons From A Purring Companion by Pamela Wallin: Excerpt

CATS: True Tails and Life Lessons From A Purring Companion by Pamela Wallin: Excerpt

“Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods and they have never forgotten this,”  the old saying goes. Updated and modernized, this 20th anniversary edition of CATS: True Tails And Life Lessons From A Purring Companion by Pamela Wallin is the purr-fect read for cat-enthusiasts, those intrigued by the fascinating history and biology of cats, […]

January 25, 2024 | By | Reply More
On Creating Love Unleashed by Nicola Amadora PhD

On Creating Love Unleashed by Nicola Amadora PhD

Seek not the fleeting safety of this world, my friend, but take refuge in the only safety there is: your heart. The truth itself or call it love.   Years ago, when spiritual tourism didn’t yet exist in the Amazon, I had the good fortune to live in the heart of the jungle with an indigenous […]

January 22, 2024 | By | Reply More
Motherhood and The Process of Poetry by Rosanna McGlone 

Motherhood and The Process of Poetry by Rosanna McGlone 

Prior to writing my book, The Process of Poetry, I interviewed the Chinese-American poet Adrienne Su, about the earliest draft of her poem ‘After the Dinner party’. Whilst last lines are often powerful and, may at times, need some unpacking, Su’s last line seemed particularly obtuse. I stared at the handwritten draft, ‘cheap merchandise of […]

January 16, 2024 | By | Reply More
On Writing House On Fire

On Writing House On Fire

I recently finished The Crown. I’m not much of a TV person. It’s common for me to view an episode or two of a series with my husband, lose interest, then proceed to do other things while he follows a show through to its finale. I can count on one hand the series I’ve watched […]

January 8, 2024 | By | Reply More
How I Co-Authored a Dual Memoir with my Father Without Discussing it with him

How I Co-Authored a Dual Memoir with my Father Without Discussing it with him

In a recent conversation with a friend, after learning about My Vietnam Your Vietnam, she posed the intriguing question: “How did you manage to co-author a book with your father without discussing it with him?” I chuckled, responding simply with, ” Good question.” However, that question uncovers a remarkable truth about the creation of this book: […]

December 19, 2023 | By | Reply More
On Writing The Narcissist and the Awakening

On Writing The Narcissist and the Awakening

 In my book The Narcissist and the Awakening, I explore the psychological and spiritual sides of what’s happening during these forms of contact, as well as offer healing methods and ways of living to support continued growth and love. In between chapters, a different meditation technique or practice is included, serving as a guidepost and […]

December 9, 2023 | By | Reply More
Launching Living Legacy: The Love – and the Gift – of a Lifetime

Launching Living Legacy: The Love – and the Gift – of a Lifetime

Bestselling Historical Fiction author Ellen Alpsten on Launching Living Legacy: The Love – and the Gift – of a Lifetime As an author of Historical Fiction – the only genre that offers the ‘triple E’ of entertainment, education, and escapism – I believe that life is larger than art, even if its fascinating feats can […]

December 8, 2023 | By | Reply More