Second Acts, by Jill Piscitello

June 20, 2023 | By | 1 Reply More

Second Acts, by Jill Piscitello

Most authors will tell you they’ve loved writing since they were children. I’m no exception. But pursuing a career as an author always seemed impractical. Somewhere around the age of twenty, I caught the tiniest glimmer that publishing a book was possible. Another college semester had ended, and I was at the first barbecue of the summer season. An older couple (I’m about their age now) made small talk about the weather, my major, etc. At some point, the woman mentioned her recent book tour. Book tour??? I think alarm bells literally jangled in my ears. 

Small talk snowballed into an onslaught of questions about her career. At some point, I dredged up the nerve to share my own writing aspirations. Big mistake. The woman’s husband jumped in with a curt, “Don’t bother.” He was quite insistent with all of the reasons as to why getting a book published was impossible. This man didn’t know me from a hole in the wall and had never read a word of my writing, but I allowed his negativity to dampen the faint flicker of hope that had sparked only minutes before. I’ve rehashed this conversation in my head many times over the last 29ish years. At this point, I can only make assumptions about his rationale and possible explanations for his wife’s tacit agreement. But I suspect their views had something to do with the road to success which likely didn’t happen overnight.

Ten years and two children later, every minute of the day was accounted for. Still, I wrote at night a few times each week—in notebooks that I stuffed into a duffel bag. We wouldn’t want anyone to know that despite a nameless man’s admonitions, I continued to put pen to paper. Every parent knows the routine of running from one after school/weekend activity to the next. Factor in a full-time job, and finishing a manuscript wasn’t on the agenda. I was happy with my routine and the safety in avoiding rejection.

Then a funny thing happened. Both of my children obtained driver’s licenses, and a bit of extra free time appeared on my schedule. Well, a writer has to write. My first novel was published in October 2020, and my third will be released June 26, 2023. I suspect there is a large percentage of readers and authors who have also set dreams on the backburner while putting every ounce of energy into helping their children achieve their goals. I don’t regret a single second but sure am enjoying opportunities I couldn’t have imagined less than ten years ago.

So many people have told me they’ve always wanted to write a book, but finishing a manuscript and finding a literary agent or publisher is an insurmountable task. Life is busy. But life has stages. Wait for your right time. Second acts are possible.

Jill Piscitello is a teacher, author, and an avid fan of multiple literary genres. Although she divides her reading hours among several books at a time, a lighthearted story offering an escape from the real world can always be found on her nightstand. 

A native of New England, Jill lives with her family and three well-loved cats. When not planning lessons or reading and writing, she can be found spending time with her family, trying out new restaurants, traveling, and going on light hikes. 

Social media links:

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A Sour Note (A Music Box Mystery)

When murder provides a welcome distraction…

On the heels of a public, broken engagement, Maeve Cleary returns to her childhood home in Hampton Beach, NH. When a dead body turns up behind her mother’s music school, three old friends land on the suspect list. Licking her wounds soon takes a back seat to outrunning the paparazzi who spin into a frenzy, casting her in a cloud of suspicion. Maeve juggles her high school sweetheart, a cousin with a touch of clairvoyance, a no-nonsense detective, and an apologetic, two-timing ex-fiancé. Will the negative publicity impact business at the Music Box— the very place she’d hoped to make a fresh start?

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing my article!

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