Search Results for 'densie webb'

Flash Fiction: Spilt Milk by Densie Webb

Flash Fiction: Spilt Milk by Densie Webb

Spilt Milk By Densie Webb        She couldn’t point to a day marked in red on the calendar when everything had fallen apart. It had been a methodical, exquisitely painful dissection.       In the beginning he was there, serving up his seductive behavior like a mouthwatering, seven-course meal. And she lacked the willpower to walk away. […]

February 15, 2022 | By | Reply More
FLASH FICTION: The Prank by Densie Webb

FLASH FICTION: The Prank by Densie Webb

The Prank, by Densie Webb       It was a prank. A practical joke. Through the haze of slightly illicit drugs inhaled in the bushes behind the house, Evan found the plan hilarious. In the harsh, flickering florescent lights of the 53rd precinct, he had lost his sense of the ridiculous.       “Roll your thumb on the paper. […]

January 25, 2022 | By | Reply More



December 31, 2022 | By More



December 29, 2021 | By More
Review Envy: How Many Amazon Reviews Do You Have?

Review Envy: How Many Amazon Reviews Do You Have?

Densie Webb All published authors experience some degree of author envy. Any author who says “not me!” is either covering up their real feelings or they’re in serious denial. The topic of author envy has been written about confessionally by any number of authors—even accomplished authors who would seem to have no reason to be […]

June 5, 2021 | By | 1 Reply More
LIBRARY 2021-2022

LIBRARY 2021-2022


December 28, 2020 | By More
It Takes a Writing Village

It Takes a Writing Village

It Takes a Writing Village Densie Webb “It takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb that quite literally means it takes an entire community of people to get the job done and to get it done with loving care. In today’s world, I think that’s more aspirational than actionable, but when it […]

December 22, 2020 | By | Reply More
Metaphors, Analogies, and Similes, Oh My!

Metaphors, Analogies, and Similes, Oh My!

Metaphors, Analogies, and Similes, Oh My! We all have our personal reading preferences, whether we acknowledge them or not. Things that make us click “buy” on Amazon after checking out the “Look Inside” feature or buying a book from the local bookstore after reading the first few pages. Sometimes it’s simply a specific genre, sometimes […]

December 16, 2020 | By | 3 Replies More
The Agony and the Ecstasy of Being Edited

The Agony and the Ecstasy of Being Edited

The manuscript for my 3rd novel, a work of women’s fiction, which I’ve ahem, mentioned before, was submitted to my editor about 3 months ago and I’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for feedback. It’s not like I’m an editing virgin. I’ve been through the wringer after submitting pages to Meetup writers’ groups; critique partners; freelance editors, […]

March 2, 2020 | By | Reply More
Publishing News Kismet

Publishing News Kismet

In November, I had the amazing opportunity to attend the WriterUnboxed Unconference in Salem Massachusetts, as well as the privilege of sharing space with 120 other highly motivated and highly talented writers and authors. It was my third time to attend and I’m hoping to rack up a fourth in 2021. If you’re not familiar […]

January 2, 2020 | By | 2 Replies More