Search Results for 'densie webb'

Self-belief vs Self-delusion

Self-belief vs Self-delusion

“One of the hardest parts of writing is walking that line between self-belief and self-delusion.” I spotted this tidbit on Twitter the other day and it struck a chord with me. As writers, we often hear talk of a lack of self-belief as the “imposter syndrome.” Most of us experience it, if not on a daily […]

September 29, 2019 | By | 3 Replies More
When Is It Time To Consider Yourself A “Real Writer”?

When Is It Time To Consider Yourself A “Real Writer”?

It seems a lot of us writers have a tough time coming to grips with the idea that we are, indeed, writers. It’s a touchy subject, this whole who-is-a-writer business. It’s funny, I’ve always been very comfortable calling myself a writer, because I’ve made my living as one for more than 20 years. But there’s […]

March 2, 2019 | By | 1 Reply More
LIBRARY 2019-2020

LIBRARY 2019-2020


December 28, 2018 | By More
The Best Books in Life Aren’t Always Free

The Best Books in Life Aren’t Always Free

If you’re like me (and pretty much every other author on the planet), your most fervent desire is to find readers who’ll love your writing and be ready, willing and able to pay for the opportunity to read all those beautiful words you’ve toiled over. But, to paraphrase our dear writer pal, Will Shakespeare, “therein […]

November 4, 2018 | By | 2 Replies More
A Show of Hands—Who Here Is a Genre Jumper?

A Show of Hands—Who Here Is a Genre Jumper?

The film, Jumper (2008), is a movie obsession of mine and I’ve watched it countless times. The main character, played by Hayden Christensen, discovers he has the power to jump to any place in the world, simply by thinking about it. There’s a villain (Samuel L Jackson), more than one chase scene, and a romantic […]

February 11, 2018 | By | 3 Replies More


SPONSORS 2018                                                                                                           […]

February 1, 2018 | By More
Book Babies or Book Lovers?

Book Babies or Book Lovers?

I know a lot of women writers who also happen to be mothers. It’s not unusual for them to refer to their books as their “babies.” After all, they conceived the idea, became a bit faint and nauseous during the writing process, faced insecurities and fears about their abilities to actually follow through and do […]

November 29, 2017 | By | Reply More
Promotion Is Pay, Pay, Pay as You Go

Promotion Is Pay, Pay, Pay as You Go

When you’re a published author, whether self-published, with a small publisher, or with one of the big boys, you find out pretty quickly that promotion, for the most part, falls on your shoulders—and stealthily slips its sticky fingers into your wallet. Business cards, bookmarks, Facebook ads, magazine ads, Website ads, Kirkus Reviews, BookBub, any number […]

January 15, 2017 | By | 20 Replies More
Library Guilt

Library Guilt

Like almost every other writer I know, I love to read. A good book recommendation from a good friend is better than chocolate (at least for me).  And I can become quite annoying talking about said book to anyone willing to listen. I love holding books in my hands. I love sitting on the sofa […]

June 4, 2016 | By | 6 Replies More
To Muse, or Not to Muse

To Muse, or Not to Muse

What I’m about to say is blasphemy in much of the writing world. Maybe it’s my pragmatism, my science background, my lack of belief in guardian angels, karma and fate, but—here goes—I don’t believe in the muse. In fact, whenever other writers talk about their muse being on a vacation or sitting on their shoulder, […]

May 19, 2016 | By | 12 Replies More