Search Results for 'densie webb'

Are You a Writing-Conference Junkie?

Are You a Writing-Conference Junkie?

As writers, we’re constantly (desperately?) looking for ways to improve our skills so we can write awe-inspiring sentences and create kick-ass plots with impossible-to-ignore characters. There are myriad ways to get to that end game—read a lot (a whole lot); pore over craft books, highlighting the best passages as you go; join critique groups and […]

February 13, 2016 | By | 9 Replies More
Serendipity on Steroids

Serendipity on Steroids

I recently came to a personal writer’s realization. All of my stories—both the ones on paper and the ones impatiently waiting in the queue in my head—have to do with serendipitous meetings. Serendipity, it turns out, (some might argue it’s fate) is an obsession of mine. Turn left at the corner and meet the love […]

July 18, 2015 | By | 5 Replies More
Romance Writers, You’ve Got to Own it!

Romance Writers, You’ve Got to Own it!

“Hi, my name is Densie and I write romance.” I could be a member of Romance Writers Anonymous, if such a thing existed. Okay, so maybe being a writer of novels with strong romantic themes doesn’t exactly carry the stigma of addiction, but it sometimes feels that way, especially when hanging with writers who have […]

May 21, 2015 | By | 3 Replies More
Older Writers

Older Writers

I am what the French so delicately call, femmes d’une certaine age, somewhere between middle age and Social Security—much closer to Social Security, if I’m being honest. And I just had my debut novel published as an ebook, with a paperback to come out later this year. I’m also in the process of having an […]

April 7, 2015 | By | 54 Replies More
Site Sponsors

Site Sponsors

SPONSORS (click on the books to find out more)                                                                                             […]

September 11, 2013 | By | Reply More
Where Is That Next Big Idea?

Where Is That Next Big Idea?

Where Is That Next Big Idea? A question every author gets asked at some point is, “Where did you get the idea for your book?” The answer can be surprising, disturbing, or as simple as, “I’m not sure, it just came to me.” I admit a bit of envy of authors who say they have […]

April 15, 2023 | By | Reply More
Why the NFL Draft Is Like Querying Your Novel

Why the NFL Draft Is Like Querying Your Novel

Why the NFL Draft Is Like Querying Your Novel What do the NFL Draft and querying your novel have in common? More than you might think. (For those not familiar with American football, NFL stands for the National Football League, the professional association for football in the US, and the annual Draft is the way […]

March 18, 2022 | By | 1 Reply More