On Writing: Terri L. Doutrich

February 5, 2023 | By | 1 Reply More

Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Terri L. Doutrich and I am the author of a YA fantasy novel called Lilly and Thomas, Throne of Pidl. It has taken quite some time to write this novel as life got in the way many times. What inspired me was the fact that I wanted children to have wholesome stories to read. C.S. Lewis, who is my muse and mentor, set the stage for my writing as I fell in love with his Narnia series and later with many of his other works. I wanted my books to have honesty, reality, and be full of adventure. I have written a book like that and hope it’s all that I have strived to make it be.  

So began my journey.

I sat in front of my computer with my word doc open and began to plot. Who did I want? How did I want it? When would it happen? At this point I had no self confidence so no matter what I did, it was not up to par in my eyes. Finally, I had created a few main characters. I must have changed Elizabeth’s (Lilly and Thomas’s mother) hair color at least five times and the style. I even changed her name twice.

Now that I had that done, it was time to decide what kind of personality I wanted Thomas to have. Would he be a bossy big brother? Timid? I wasn’t sure. Then there was Lilly. Would she be a spoiled brat? A child needing attention? Or just the pesky little sister.

No outline, no plot.

As for me, I just sit and write. Whatever comes is what I write. I do not have an outline and I also do not follow any pre-made mini story from software that would want me to elaborate on what they think my story should be. I have re-written this story dozens of times because I have added events, people, places and descriptions which have evolved as time went on. It works for me. I drew on people that I knew and copied their personalities for the characters and that worked well also.

Re-writes done…now the editor.

Ugh! The first editor was a nightmare. I got my manuscript back with red marks all over each page. She tried to re-write my novel and make it like hers. She insisted I take out entire chapters here and there. They were relevant to the story and without them the novel would have read like a dictionary. Of course, I said no. She then became harshly critical and I became stifled as a writer. I “shelved” the book and didn’t look at it again for quite a while. One day I took it out, dusted it off, and was back looking for another editor. This one was pretty good but I found out that she was passing my story around to people. I was not happy. The book was not finished yet and needed lots of work and polishing.

She was gone. I decided to do my own editing. I did that and it worked out well. I then realized that another pair of eyes would be a good idea. I found another editor whom I loved. She was awesome. She is now my permanent editor. She’s brilliant. So, even though I’ve had many detractors I still carried on. It also prepared me for what was to come, and that was critics. They can be brutal. I survived. Lessons learned. 

If writing is your passion do not give up. Persevere and march onward. Let no one stand in your way. Some criticism is good when done with the intent to help you craft a fantastic book, and then there are others who do it for the purpose of wanting to feel better. 

Now it begins

Finally, my baby is done! Beautiful cover, beautiful inside, awesome story if I say so myself (of course, I would). The launch came and the critics started.  The grueling daily search promoting and getting your story out there to reach people had now begun. I’m so lucky that I decided to do this. It’s one of the best things I have ever done. You will be proud of your work. Just remember, in this business there are many who think they are experts, and they aren’t. So be wise. Be vigilant, and know your worth. Just know there is a “foot for every shoe”. Pursue your dreams. There is always someone who walks your walk who will go on this journey with you. Time to make it happen.

Terri L. Doutrich holds many certificates and has attended many schools such as Harrisburg Area Community College, Pennsylvania State University, and Crisis Counseling/Advocacy Clinical where she was assigned to the Emergency Room as a Rape Crisis Advocate. After attending Creative Writing classes at Oxford University she decided to write young adult fiction.

She lives in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania with her family and pets and continues to write, which she loves. She has written many self-help books but admits fiction is her passion.

Lilly and Thomas, Throne of Pidl is her debut novel and is the first in a series.

Lilly and Thomas, Throne of Pidl


Category: On Writing

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  1. Pat Matthews says:

    I very much enjoyed Pidl, the characters were great including those that popped up while reading, their descriptions and habits and sometimes magic appeared.lily and Thomaes adventures and the creatures that followed them. Was a great all around reading adventure.

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