Author Archive: MM Finck

Q&A with Susan Meissner
Susan Meissner is the prolific author of thirteen novels. Her most recent, STARS OVER SUNSET BOULEVARD (Penguin/NAL) is the story of two women working on the movie set of Gone With the Wind during Hollywood’s Golden Age who discover the joy and heartbreak of true friendship. Her novel THE SHAPE OF MERCY, in which a […]

Q&A with Sara Eckel
Sara Eckel is a personal hero for those of us here at WWWB. All you have to do is read the title of her book, which stemmed from her “Modern Love” column in The New York Times, and you’ll understand why: IT’S NOT YOU: 27 (WRONG) REASONS YOU’RE SINGLE (Perigree Books). In it, she uses […]

Q&A with Leah Ferguson
Leah Ferguson is the debut author of ALL THE DIFFERENCE published by Berkley/Penguin which tells the story, in alternating chapters, of a pregnant woman who says yes – and no! – when her boyfriend proposes marriage. You may also know Leah from her popular mommy-blog One Vignette – life on the small scale: a story […]

Q&A with Emily Liebert
Emily Liebert is the author of THOSE SECRETS WE KEEP, WHEN WE FALL, YOU KNEW ME WHEN, and the upcoming SOME WOMEN (April 5, 2016), all published by Penguin Random House. You may know her from…well, from everywhere. Emily was the editor-in-chief of The WAG, a luxury lifestyle magazine. Emily has appeared on the Today […]

Q&A with Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke
Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke, the writing team behind THE STATUS OF ALL THINGS, YOUR PERFECT LIFE, and the upcoming THE YEAR WE TURNED FORTY (expected publication April 2016), all published by Simon & Schuster/Atria, have been best friends for over twenty-five years. They blog (hilariously) at where they share their lives and this […]

Q&A with Author Barbara Claypole White
UK-born Barbara Claypole White is the author of the bestselling novel THE PERFECT SON. Her debut, THE UNFINISHED GARDEN, won the 2013 Golden Quill Contest for Best First Book, and her follow-up, THE IN-BETWEEN HOUR, was chosen by SIBA (the Southern Independent Booksellers) as a Winter 2014 Okra Pick. Inspired by her poet/musician son’s courageous […]

Q&A with Author Amy Sue Nathan
Amy Sue Nathan is the author of THE GLASS WIVES and upcoming THE GOOD NEIGHBOR, both published by St Martin’s Griffin. She is also woman behind the award-winning blog Women’s Fiction Writers, named one of Writer’s Digest’s Best Websites for Writers in 2015. Thank you, Amy, for joining us over here at WWWB! We’re thrilled […]

Q&A with Taylor Jenkins Reid
Taylor Jenkins Reid is the author of FOREVER, INTERRUPTED; AFTER I DO; and the brand spankin’ new, terrifically fabulous MAYBE IN ANOTHER LIFE (This interviewer gave it a solid five star review), all published by Simon & Schuster/Atria/Washington Square Press. Her first book, FOREVER, INTERRUPTED, was included by Kirkus Reviews in “11 Debuts We Love” and […]

Interview with Rowan Coleman
Rowan Coleman is the internationally bestselling author of an astounding twelve novels, most recently WE ARE ALL MADE OF STARS and THE MEMORY BOOK (released in the US as THE DAY WE MET). She’s been compared to Jo Jo Moyes and Nora Ephron. She lives with her husband and five children in a very full […]

Q&A With Author Bethany Chase
I can’t recall how Bethany and I became friends, but I am sure that the name of her blog (“It’s Better With Bangs”) and her spunky twitter profile (“I’m a women’s fiction author, interior designer, and eternally hopeful A-cup.”) had something to do with it. That same voice – spunky, quick, bold – is what […]
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