Being a Writer in 2020: Whitney Dineen

October 21, 2020 | By | Reply More

What in the sweet Jesus hell is going on with this year? I have never simultaneously felt like I was doing so much and so little at the same time. There have been days where the thought of getting out of bed was almost more than I could bear, and weeks where I didn’t even bother to get dressed. And yet, I’ve accomplished more this year than any other that comes to mind.

My 2020 journey has been a pretty standard mother/author tale. Having school-age kids means navigating the travails of distance learning, which is taking its toll on all of us. I am not a teacher and there is an exceptionally good reason I didn’t become one. I’m no good at it.

In the spring there was no distance learning, it was just workbook pages that meant my husband and I could no longer fight against common core. While we valiantly tried to make heads or tails out of it, we weren’t successful. We ultimately taught our girls math the old school way. Good times were had by all. Not.

The day before my state went into quarantine, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Which let’s face it, sucked, but how lucky was I to get my diagnoses before my clinic shut down for two months? While I had a devil of a time scheduling surgery, my tumor was eventually removed, and I got through radiation and recovery while so many weren’t even able to get a mammogram.

I spent a million months this year trying to write. As an author of funny stuff, I can’t begin to tell you how challenging that’s been. Nothing about 2020 has been funny.

This morning I was grumbling to my husband about what a crap year it’s been. I cited our kids’ desperation to be in real school, to see their friends, and to play team sports again. While some of those things are available, we are being extra cautious because of my recent cancer journey. My heart aches for them.

Jimmy listened to me whine before asking, “How many books did you publish year?”

“In December it will be five,” I answered him.

“And what l did we do in the backyard this summer?”

I rolled my eyes as I recounted, “We had the pergola rebuilt, we added several garden beds, we planted new fruit trees and bushes, we got more chickens and bees. Oh yeah, and we rebuilt the fence.”

“Ah yes,” says the master, “And what have we done inside the house?”
“We’re painting the bathrooms, installing new tile, and replacing the vanities.”

“You’re right, this year has been a total waste.” He smiles at me in such a way that I know I’ve been bested.

Grrrr, I hate being talked off a ledge when all I really want to do is fling myself over it and throw a great big tantrum.

The bottom line is that this year has been a ripe, pustulent boil in the history of man. It’s been an absolute soul suck at times, and that’s for people who didn’t lose their jobs as a result of quarantine. I can’t even begin to imagine the challenges other people are having.

In spite of that, 2020 has taught me things. Things like people are resilient and wonderful. We’ve been party to assorted fund raisers to help others during this difficult time and I’ve been blown away by how many have stepped forth to lend a hand.

I’ve also learned how much I love spending time with my family. Yes, there are days we practically need a proctologist to dig the kids out of each other’s backsides, but even so, it’s been an important time. The girls are learning to lean on each other; they’re honing negotiating skills; and more than ever they’re discovering an appreciation for a life that once felt routine and boring.

I suspect that in 2025 we might just look back at this year fondly. I’m hoping it’s because of a new gratitude we’ve found and not because the aliens have landed and are taking over. Time will tell.

By and large I wanted to share my journey with you so you would know that you’re not alone in whatever malaise, angst, or fear you’re experiencing. We’re all a mess right now, all of us. And I feel strongly that once we get through this time, and we will, there’ nothing that will be able to hold us down.


Who doesn’t want their mom to play Cupid?

Addison Cooper had planned on an all-expense paid vacation to the Cayman Islands to celebrate her most recent business success. Instead, she’s trekking to the outback of Oregon to help a friend of her mother’s.

Reclusive novelist Brogan Cavanaugh’s new thriller just hit the New York Times Best Seller list. To reward himself, he was planning to spend the summer at his family’s fishing cabin until his mom unexpectedly calls in a favor.

Even though moms Libby and Ruby have been best friends since they were college roommates, Addison and Brogan have barely spent time in each other’s company. And when they did, things didn’t go well.

How will they react when they start to suspect their interfering mothers are setting them up?

Find out in this deliciously funny rom-com about mothers who really do know best and the children who don’t know they need them.

I found myself staying up way too late – reading just one more chapter. When two long-time best friends decide to try to match up their children to get the grandchildren they so badly want, all becomes fair in love and war, truth and lies, and behind the scenes scheming. Love is a Battlefield is a must-read because it is so much more than just chick lit. Whitney Dineen has been added to my list of favorite authors and I cannot wait until the next book in this series.” — 5 stars, Readers Favorite

“No one is as funny as Whitney! This book has it all, fabulous characters, a sordid history, a hunky hero, interfering mothers, and wait for it … glamping! A must read for anyone in need of an escape!” –USA Today bestselling author, Diana Orgain


Whitney Dineen is a rock star in her own head. While delusional about her singing abilities, there’s been a plethora of validation that she’s a fairly decent author (AMAZING!!!). After winning many writing awards and selling nearly a kabillion books (math may not be her forte, either), she’s decided to just let the voices in her head say whatever they want (sorry, Mom). She also won a fourth-place ribbon in a fifth-grade swim meet in backstroke. So, there’s that.

Whitney loves to play with her kids (a.k.a. dazzle them with her amazing flossing abilities), bake stuff, eat stuff, and write books for people who “get” her. She thinks french fries are the perfect food and Mrs. Roper is her spirit animal.

Find out more about her on her website

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Category: Contemporary Women Writers, How To and Tips

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