From Mechanical Engineer to Romance Author: My Journey to Writing Sweet Contemporary Romantic Comedies

July 5, 2024 | By | Reply More

By Camilla Isley

Ever since I was a child, books have been my sanctuary. I remember the thrill of flipping through pages, getting lost in fantastical worlds, and forming connections with characters who felt like friends. As a teen, I was swept up in the Harry Potter craze, eagerly anticipating each new release. Those moments of waiting in line at midnight, sharing theories with fellow fans, and diving into the latest adventure as soon as I got my hands on the book are memories I cherish. It’s a feeling that’s hard to replicate in today’s digital age, where everything is available instantly. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love ebooks and read almost exclusively on my eReader now. But I’m also happy to have been part of the magic of those years.

Despite my love for reading, I pursued a practical career path. I studied mechanical engineering, earning both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. I then was hired for my first job as a procurement project manager at a large corporation. It was there that I met my husband. We navigated the corporate world together, but our lives took a significant turn when he was offered a position abroad.

Moving to a different country was both exciting and daunting. Suddenly, I found myself with a lot more free time. The change in scenery and pace allowed me to explore interests I had put on the back burner. I decided to take a few online writing classes through teaching platforms like Coursera and edX—which have free options (at least they did back then) and offer curricula from top American Universities like Berkley and Harvard. I had always harbored an idea for a story, and with these courses, I explored how I could bring it to life.

The online classes provided a solid foundation, but the real learning came from reading voraciously and writing diligently. I pored over novels, analyzing what made the characters compelling, dialogue natural, and plots engaging. I started jotting down my story, initially just fragments and ideas, but gradually it took shape.

In 2014, I started my first manuscript. It was a labor of love, filled with the excitement and trepidation of a new author. When I finally published my debut novel, I Wish for You, the following year, it felt surreal. The feedback from readers was overwhelming and encouraging, pushing me to continue writing.

It wasn’t an overnight success, like some stories you hear. Talking in romance tropes, my writing career was definitely a slow burn. I had to take a step back when my son was born in 2018, and then again in 2020 when the pandemic hit and no childcare options were available. But I never stopped. I published at least one book per year. And it kept on building, little by little.

Now, ten years and twenty-six novels later, I’m still learning and evolving as a writer. Each first draft is a new challenge, an opportunity to hone my craft. I’ve embraced the genre of sweet contemporary romantic comedies, finding joy in creating light-hearted, humorous, and heartwarming stories. The journey has been immensely rewarding, filled with moments of doubt, triumph, and continuous growth.

As I approach the 10th anniversary of my first publication, I reflect on the path that brought me here. It’s been a decade of discovery, not just of the bookish community, but of myself. Writing has allowed me to explore themes of romance, mystery, and self-improvement, often mirroring parts of my journey like motherhood. The characters I create and the stories I tell are pieces of my experiences, hopes, and dreams.

Moving abroad and stepping away from my engineering career gave me the space and courage to pursue writing. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the unexpected turns in life lead us to our true passions. 

The writing community has also played a crucial role in my journey. Connecting with other writers, sharing insights, and receiving feedback has been invaluable. It’s a vibrant, supportive network that fosters creativity and encourages growth. The transition from a lone reader to an active participant in the literary world has been both challenging and fulfilling. Two years ago, I signed with an amazing publisher, Boldwood Books, further moving away from a solitary job and becoming part of a wonderful team of authors and publishing professionals. Now I have more time to write (not having to worry about the production and marketing processes) and couldn’t be happier.

Looking ahead, I feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. There are more stories to tell, more characters to bring to life, lines of banter to write, and more readers to connect with. The landscape of publishing is ever-changing, but the core of what makes a great story remains the same. It’s about creating connections, evoking emotions, and transporting readers to different worlds—hopefully with a few good laughs along the way.

As I celebrate this milestone, I am filled with gratitude. For the books that sparked my love for reading, for the education and career that provided stability and growth, and for the chance to follow my passion for writing. It’s been an adventure of unexpected twists and turns, each one leading me closer to where I am today.

To aspiring writers, I say: keep reading, keep writing, and keep believing in your stories. The path may not always be clear, but with persistence and passion, you can create something truly special. Here’s to the next decade of writing, discovery, and endless possibilities.

Camilla is an engineer who left science behind to enter the whimsical realm of romantic fiction. She writes contemporary rom-coms. Her characters have big hearts, might be a little stubborn at times, and love to banter with each other. Every story she pens has a guaranteed HEA that will make your heart beat faster. Unless you’re a vampire, of course.



Lose yourself in Lakeville Hills in this gorgeous new romance from bestselling author Camilla Isley…

When she’s ghosted by yet another Tinder match, Leighton swears off dating for life. Who needs apps and blind dates when she has the perfect-in-every-way (apart from being fictional) heroes of her beloved romance novels?

That night, Leigh finds a second-hand book on her TBR pile that transports her to the small-town of Lakeville Hills, where the heroines wear shorty-shorts and the men drink bourbon. And as Leigh drifts off to sleep, she dreams of billionaire cowboy Killian St Clair, who could win a gold medal for smouldering and bicep flexing.

For a while, Leigh finds it easier to stomach misogynistic supervisors, newly coupled friends, and extravagant bridesmaid duties knowing she can return to Lakeville Hills each evening. Until one day she wakes up to find she’s brought a bit of Lakeville Hills back with her: the impossibly sexy and entirely implausible Killian St Clair is in her apartment.

Now Leigh must help Killian navigate the real world. But as she gets to know the man behind the trope, can she keep her heart safe, or does she risk falling in love with her book boyfriend in real life?


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Category: Contemporary Women Writers, How To and Tips

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