Interview with MC Kyra Valorian, “Blood Divided” By Katie Keridan

October 3, 2023 | By | Reply More

Interview with MC Kyra Valorian, “Blood Divided”

By Katie Keridan

About Blood Divided

Kyra Valorian and Sebastian Sayre have finally remembered their pasts as the former Felserpent Queen and King, and now it’s time for them to change the future―by reuniting the realms and bringing peace to Astrals and Daevals. But tensions between Aeles and Nocens have never been higher, and those of silver and gold blood are more divided than ever.

In addition to improving her recovrancy abilities and completing internship, Kyra is determined to uncover her father’s role in the evil Astral experimentation program, no matter the danger. As Sebastian learns to be in a relationship, he finds himself facing the traumas of two very different pasts, forcing him to make tough decisions about his chosen profession and who he wants to be. Meanwhile, Tallus, arch-enemy to the Felserpent monarchy, has also returned―and it will take help from Cyphers, as well as friends both old and new, to find and stop him.

As Kyra and Sebastian struggle to navigate the differences between their past and current relationship, one thing’s clear: part of fulfilling their destiny means accepting their fate. The choices they make will reach all the way into Death in this thrilling found family sequel to Reign Returned.

Interview with MC Kyra Valorian

Interviewer: Hello everyone, thanks for joining us. The last time we spoke with Kyra Valorian, she’d just been named one of the realm’s “Twenty Under Twenty,” one of twenty inspiring individuals Astrals just can’t get enough of. Welcome back, Kyra.

Kyra: Thank you. I’m glad to be here.

Interviewer: Now, the last time we spoke, you were waiting to find out where you’d been placed for internship. Placements have been revealed and you…

Kyra (smiles): Are at the Donec Medicinae, which is exactly where I wanted to be. My father completed the same internship when he was my age, so it’s special for a lot of reasons.

Interviewer: Of course. And on that note, please allow me to express my deepest sympathies on the loss of your father. He was truly a wonderful man, and Aeles won’t be the same without him.

Kyra: Thank you. Everyone’s been so kind. My family and I really appreciate it. 

Interviewer: So much has happened to you in such a short period of time. You lost your father, gained an internship, and you survived being kidnapped by a Daeval! What was that like?

Kyra (sighs): I didn’t think we were going to be discussing that.

Interviewer: My dear, a Daeval—a veritable demon with silver blood—portaled into our realm for the first time in centuries! He kidnapped you right in front of Adonis Prior and other highly trained soldiers. Not only did you manage to survive, you escaped and brought yourself back to our beloved realm! It’s unheard of and quite frankly, more than a little amazing.

Kyra: He didn’t kidnap me. He startled me by appearing out of nowhere, and I was trying to run away, but I tripped and crashed into him and we both fell through the portal. A while later he opened another portal. I walked through it back into Aeles and made my way home. This doesn’t even bear mentioning. It’s certainly not destined to become a footnote in Aelian history.

Interviewer (laughs): You are far too modest, but we wouldn’t have you any other way. Thank goodness members of our military were there to see you disappear. I hear Lieutenant Prior received a promotion for his efforts to rescue you.

Kyra (nods): Yes, he’s now Captain Prior.

Interviewer: You know, Captain Prior was also on our list of “Twenty Under Twenty.” He’s certainly developing a reputation as a formidable soldier.

Kyra: He’s also kind and thoughtful and open to learning from new experiences.

Interviewer (leans forward): That’s high praise indeed coming from you. Have you and Captain Prior spent much time together after you escaped from being kidnapped?

Kyra (frowns): Captain Prior and I are just friends. I thought we addressed this last time. I’m not here to discuss any romantic relationships.

Interviewer (holds up hands): Of course, of course. It just sounds like something right out of a story…falling in love with the man who did his best to rescue you from a Daeval.

Kyra (starts to stand up): I’m sorry to cut this short but I need to be—

Interviewer: Now that’s something new! You weren’t wearing that during our last interview. (He gestures to the wide gold bracelet around Kyra’s wrist). You’re going to start a fashion trend. What can you tell us about your lovely bracelet?

Kyra (tries to pull her long sleeve down over the bracelet): Yes, it’s a new addition to my wardrobe. It was a gift from…someone close to me.

Interviewer: How delightful! I’m betting you’re not going to reveal the identity of the gift giver, but that’s alright, I’m certain our rabid readers will have a thought or two about who might have bestowed such a present on you. 

Kyra: If you don’t have any more questions, I should probably be going now.

Interviewer (waves frantically at a man walking past): Oh, Senator Rex! Senator Rex! Malmur Lepidy, Aeles Today. Might I have word with you? 

Kyra (brushes off her dress and gestures to her empty chair): Here, you can have my seat.

Senator Rex (shakes his head but offers a wide smile): I wouldn’t dream of taking you away from the readers of Aeles Today, Ms. Valorian. But it’s lovely to see you, and I’m thrilled to be working with you. (Turns to interviewer) While there’s absolutely nothing I can teach Ms. Valorian when it comes to healing, I’ll be mentoring her through the ins and outs of government work. Politics can be more than a little daunting, and I hope to make her internship a little easier by offering guidance and support…or just a sympathetic ear over a cup of coffee.

Interviewer: Oh, how wonderful! But of course we’ve learned to expect nothing less from you. Senator, since Kyra refuses to sing her own praises, is there something you can tell us about her she’d never say about herself?

Senator Rex: Kyra is a born diplomat. She’s honest and loyal and dedicated to doing whatever she thinks is right. She’s not afraid to stand up for her beliefs. She’s also not afraid to champion an unpopular opinion when she can see merit others perhaps can’t. She’s the most gifted healer this realm has ever seen. But those are just the things we know. (He grins) I think perhaps the most interesting things about Ms. Valorian haven’t been revealed yet.

Kyra (gazes at him in surprise)

Interviewer: Such glowing praise! What do you have to say to that, Kyra?

Kyra: Thank you, Senator. Please know I’m grateful, I just…I wasn’t aware you knew so much about me. I hope I can live up to everything you just said. 

Senator Rex (winks at her): I know more about you than you realize, Ms. Valorian. Which is why I’m so looking forward to working with you. Together we’re going to make Aeles stronger and safer than it’s ever been before.


Katie Keridan made her literary debut at ten years of age when she won a writing contest by crafting a tale about her favorite childhood hero, Hank the Cowdog. After that, Katie has continued to write, through college and graduate school and during her career as a pediatric neuropsychologist. But while Katie enjoyed being a doctor, scientific research didn’t bring her nearly as much joy as creating her own characters and worlds, so she slowly left the medical world behind to focus exclusively on writing. In 2018 she self-published a poetry book, Once Upon a Girl, and her work has been featured in Highlights Hello Magazine, The Blue Nib, Youth Imagination Magazine, Red Fez, The Red Penguin Review, Sand Canyon Review, and Every Day Fiction, to name a few. Her debut young adult fantasy novel, Reign Returned, will be published by SparkPress September 2022. She loves sharing her writing with others who feel different, misunderstood, or alone. Katie lives in Northern California with her husband and two very demanding cats.

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Category: Interviews, On Writing

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