Mixing Ideas and Ingredients: How Book Writing Is Like Baking a Cake

August 27, 2024 | By | Reply More

Just as a baker relies on a recipe, writers need an outline to guide their narrative. Both endeavors require a solid foundation, a perfect blend of elements, patience during the process, and the courage to present the final product to the world.

When adding forty eggs to a cheesecake batter, one at a time, while slowly beating the mixture with minutes between each addition, the mind has ample space to wander and imagine new stories. The repetitive rhythm—mix, turn off the mixer, scrape the bowl, mix again, add another egg—can be monotonous, but it’s far more inspiring than the typical kitchen conversations about new tattoos or driving tickets.

In these moments, my mind accepts the invitation to explore another world, where the skeletal fragments of my book await definition. At this stage, the story is a shapeless mass, full of potential but still in need of nurturing. Like the lumpy batter, it must be carefully refined and developed past its initial state to achieve the desired result: a masterpiece, much like the crowning glory of a cheesecake after a magnificent meal.

Blend of Elements: The right mix of characters, plot, and setting is crucial, much like balancing flavors and textures in baking.

The story line needs more friction – as does the batter so the mixer is turned up a notch for a moment. Friction is energy. It can be achieved any number of ways. Suspense is a great tool, but after a brief taste of it, the tension relaxes. To heighten the stakes, a new character enters the scene—this time, an adversary, a villain. So, the lemon juice is introduced to the sweet vanilla batter to give it a little more tang. A villain is introduced to the story. Her name is Venus, in comparison to the heroes in “The Base – Book 1” who are all military research scientists. Venus is the worst of the worst. If she were being contrasted with Max – another evil villain in the book she would still be sour enough to curdle cream, which is why the cream is added last to the mix.

Since Venus and the lemon juice have shifted the balance more friction is needed. I am rubbing the seeds from the center of the vanilla bean pod into the sugar so their wonderful flavor and floral scent is dispersed more evenly. The batter is smelling more appealing, the chunks of white are minimal now, it is becoming more consistent.

Patience: Both baking and writing require time for development, whether it’s letting dough rise or characters evolve.

Batter is being weighed out into the waiting pans which have a homemade cookie crumb crust, a blend of classic sugar cookies with a touch of gingersnaps blended with some warm browned butter to add a hint of nutty flavor – without the nuts. Venus is planning her first heist and the heroes at The Base are revising their security protocols to hopefully prevent a security breach.

The plot thickens and so does the dough now that the pans are in the oven. I turn on the light to watch the water level in the outer pans which house the water bath. The tea kettle is on low waiting to add more hot water if needed so the precious cakes will be victorious. The villains Max and Venus with their accomplices are also reviewing their recipe for what they hope will be their next conquest. They don’t believe that failure is an option either.

Presentation: Sharing your creation, be it a book or a cake, involves vulnerability and confidence.

Lifting the hot cheesecake pans from their water baths onto waiting sheet pans to cool them safely and watching for cracks on the tops. I will have a very short window of time to repair any fissures, but I mustn’t overcook them. It is such a delicate balance. The manuscript has settled now, the dust of its creation clearing.

If I reveal too much about the outcome, it will spoil the surprise, so I turn my attention to the garnish—the book cover for the sequel, which is the final touch, much like the whipped cream that will soon adorn each slice of cheesecake. I begin whipping the cream slowly to develop its structure before increasing the speed. The produce vendor provided us with excellent berries today, so each slice will be served with a generous rosette of whipped cream, a small handful of fresh berries, and a pansy or two to add whimsy and color to the plate.

As I prepare to leave, I sketch ideas for the book cover on the bus, replaying the story in my mind. The cakes, along with their garnishes, are now in the cooler, ready for the chefs to serve tonight. The ghostly scent of cheesecakes lingers in the back kitchen before the night shift arrives. My other world, the world of my stories, awaits me.

Dante Terese is a dynamic new voice in fiction, blending deep themes with compelling narratives in her work. Her debut novel, Sex, Death, & Diane, celebrates the courage of those who dare to think independently and speak their truths, exploring the quiet power within each of us. Her recent science fiction release, The Base- Book 1, takes readers into the high-stakes world of military research, where ethical dilemmas and espionage intertwine in a suspenseful tale of innovation and integrity. This is the first book in a series.


“The Base” (Book 1)
From the most “Top Secret” military base in the country comes this tale of jealousy, deception, intrigue and triumph. The newest most sought-after military innovation “The Project” is about to be released, after many years of research by the military’s elite scientists – while spies and thieves try to steal the invention for their own agenda.
Written from the inside of a place that few have ever seen with the most forbidding climate to keep outsiders away we follow to the completion of the mission.
“The Project” must succeed or we all will fail – and it will fall into the hands of the enemy.

Will they stay true when their spirits are put to the ultimate test?

Or will we all soon be controlled by the invention that was intended to keep us safe?
A wild story about the competitive nature of cutting-edge research, the courage it takes to succeed as a scientist while maintaining loyalty and integrity.
“The Base” (Book 1) is an intense suspenseful story with many unforgettable characters. This is the first book in the series.


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