On Writing my Memoir Wise Little One
Writing my memoir was an incredibly emotional and cathartic process. It required delving deep into my past and examining both the positive and the negative experiences that have shaped my life. The process of writing brought up a range of emotions, from joy and gratitude to sadness and grief. In this article, I’ll explore the emotional process of writing my memoir and how I navigated the challenges that came up during my journey.
The first stage of preparing was exciting. I had accumulated years of writing and had stored it in a file for when the time came. I came out of my morning meditation practice and knew it was time. I also knew I would need support from a professional editor to help me create a compelling narrative. Now was my opportunity to tell my story, and to share the lessons learned and the wisdom gained over my lifetime. I felt a sense of relief and validation in finally putting my experiences on paper, and excitement about the possibility of connecting with readers who have had similar experiences.
A few months into the creative writing process, however, emotions were bubbling to the surface that became more complex. Even though I had spent my adult life healing the trauma of my childhood, I felt vulnerable as I exposed my innermost thoughts and feelings. I observed fears of judgment, of not being understood or accepted, or of causing harm to others who are portrayed in the memoir.
I kept using the tools I teach to be kind to myself during the process. Thankfully I had an incredible support system in place. My husband was my biggest cheerleader, offering encouragement, feedback, and a sounding board for my ideas and emotions.
One of the most intense painful emotions during the writing process was grief. Writing a memoir involving revisiting painful memories and experiences brought up a layer of unhealed unprocessed grief. I had feelings of loss for the people and places that were left behind. Residual grief for the loss of family members who were instrumental in my conditioning. It was as if I hadn’t fully mourned the loss when I was younger. I allowed myself to feel these emotions fully and to acknowledge the impact that my past still was affecting my present life.
At the same time, I also experienced high levels of joy and gratitude as I reflected on the positive experiences and relationships that I had attracted into my life. Writing became an opportunity to express gratitude for the people who have supported and inspired me throughout my life, and to celebrate the moments of joy and love that have made all of challenges worth living.
Another challenging emotion that I experienced during was shame. Shame can be a powerful force that prevents a writer from being honest about their experiences or from sharing their stories with others. As an emotional healing educator, I knew that it was important for me to recognize that shame of my past is a common response to trauma and that it is not a reflection of my worth as a human being.
Over and over, I had to remind myself that sharing my story is a powerful act of healing both for myself and for others who have had similar experiences and can find inspiration in reading about someone who has overcome and healed much of their developmental trauma.
The past cannot be changed, and the present moment is the only one that truly matters. Writing my memoir was my way to honor the past and all the lessons and wisdom gleaned.
Writing my memoir was an emotional and cathartic process. It required a willingness to confront and explore the complex emotions that arose during the process. More importantly it was a courageous act of healing and transformation.
Jana Wilson is an emotional healing educator, meditation teacher, retreat leader, public speaker, hypnotherapist, and founder of the Emotional Healing System. For the past two decades she has taught thousands internationally in group and private retreats. Jana trained and worked with best selling author and physician, Deepak Chopra MD.
She lives off grid in the foothills of the Sangre de Christo mountain range in Santa Fe, NM, with her husband and business partner, Dr. Lance Wilson. When she is not guiding clients to heal, she enjoys hiking, yoga and watching documentaries. You can connect with Jana on Facebook and Instagram, or visit her online at www.janawilson.com
Wise Little One ~ Learning to Love & Listen to my Inner Child
A victim of childhood abuse and trauma, Jana Wilson could have wound up another statistic. Yet, at the age of twelve, she had a mystical spiritual experience that catapulted her on a life-long journey to learn to value herself and pursue her dreams. In her breakout memoir, Wise Little One, we follow Jana as she discovers how to manifest an inspiring life and begin the journey of self-realization and cultivating an unshakable faith. Ultimately, within this compelling narrative she begins to honor and listen to her Wise Little One and, at long last, finds her beloved in the most auspicious way.
Eventually training and working with prominent thought leaders Deepak Chopra and Debbie Ford, Jana created The Emotional Healing System and has helped thousands heal from the pain of their past.
Category: On Writing