Writing a Book Under a Tight Deadline by L.G. Davis

September 11, 2023 | By | 1 Reply More

Writing a Book Under a Tight Deadline by L.G. Davis

I know firsthand the exhilarating mix of excitement and trepidation that comes with facing a tight deadline for writing a book.

Just last year, I was juggling four books simultaneously and even editing three or four of them at the same time. One of those books I tackled while suffering from COVID-19. 

Let me tell you, without a solid plan, I would have gone absolutely crazy. 

I’m recounting this experience because I truly understand what it’s like to work on a tight deadline, and I want you to know it’s doable. Even more than that, you can exceed your own expectations. 

This year, I managed to write two related books, “The New Nanny” and “The Nanny’s Child,” each in just ten days.

The quickest I’ve ever written a book was in seven days. It was a crazy experience that required a lot of focus and dedication. 

But even though I can write a book in a week, it’s important for me to make time for my family. With a husband and two small kids, it’s crucial to balance my work with quality time spent with them. Ten to fourteen days is now my ideal time frame for writing the first draft.

With that said, let me share with you some tips on how to navigate the fast lane of writing under a tight deadline:

Embrace the Sprint:

When you’re staring down a tight deadline, it’s time to switch into what I call “writing sprint” mode. Basically, you just dive in headfirst and let those words flow. Forget about obsessing over every single sentence or idea. Instead, let your inner storyteller take control and let the story unfold naturally. This is when you give your creative mind the freedom it needs to run wild—don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of chances to polish things up later on.

The Power of Focus:

During these intense writing stretches, it’s crucial to create a distraction-free zone. Give your loved ones a heads-up about your writing mission so they know not to disturb you. Silence your phone, close all those extra tabs on your computer, and find a quiet corner where you can immerse yourself in your story’s universe. You won’t believe how much you can achieve when you put your undivided attention into your work.

Planning with Precision:

You might be wondering how on earth you can create a coherent story in such a short time. The answer lies in meticulous planning. Before you dive into your writing sprint, take a few days to outline the entire story. Think of this outline as your trusty roadmap, keeping you on the right track. Break down the plot into chapters and jot down the key scenes, dialogues, and character arcs. Having this plan is like having a co-pilot on a high-speed road trip.

Writing Out of Sequence:

One of my secret weapons for speed is writing scenes out of order. Instead of going through the story chronologically, I tackle the scenes that are most vivid in my mind. This lets me capture that initial burst of creativity without getting bogged down by how everything connects. Once I’ve got a bunch of scenes written, I piece them together like a puzzle, refining and editing as I go.

Riding the Momentum:

You know those moments when the words just flow effortlessly, and it feels like the story is practically writing itself? Those are the golden hours of writing. When you’re in that zone, let the momentum carry you forward—sometimes, I’ve written for hours on end during these streaks. Keeping that flow going becomes my top priority during a writing sprint.

Mindset Matters:

Arguably the most important thing about writing on a tight deadline is your mindset. Don’t let self-doubt and perfectionism hold you back. Give yourself permission to write a less-than-perfect first draft. Shushing that inner critic allows you to focus on getting your ideas down on paper. The real magic happens during the editing phase when you turn those rough ideas into polished prose.

A Note on Self-Care:

Writing a book in such a short span is more of a marathon than a sprint. Taking care of yourself is a must. Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and take short breaks to stretch and clear your mind. These moments of self-care are what keep your energy up and your creative juices flowing.

Finishing a book under a tight deadline is an incredible achievement. When you type that final word and realize you’ve crafted an entire story in just a matter of days, the feeling is beyond words. Yes, the journey is intense, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.

It’s important to recognize that every writer is unique. Our processes, speeds, and creative rhythms vary significantly. Some writers thrive under tight deadlines, while others find their creative juices flow at a more leisurely pace. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and it’s crucial not to compare your writing journey to someone else’s.

If writing a book in seven, ten, or fourteen days feels like an unattainable goal for you, please know that there’s no reason to feel guilty or discouraged. The art of writing is as diverse as the writers themselves. Some of the most celebrated authors have taken months or even years to craft their masterpieces. I truly believe that the quality of your work is not determined by the speed at which you write, but rather by the depth of your storytelling, the authenticity of your characters, and the impact of your words.

Embrace the strategies that resonate with you, adapt them to your style, and stay true to your creative voice. There’s no right or wrong way to approach this challenge—there’s only the path that feels right for you.

Embracing your own pace is an essential part of the creative journey. It’s about understanding your strengths, recognizing your limitations, and finding a balance that allows you to produce your best work. Whether you’re a tortoise or a hare when it comes to writing, the important thing is that you’re moving forward.

L.G. Davis is an author of psychological thrillers set in small towns. She lives in Vienna, Austria with her husband and their two children.


A forged reference and a fake social media page is all it takes to convince the Mayers I’m the perfect person to look after their son Wyatt. Some people would be scared to move to a remote mountain village with a family they’ve never met, but it’s exactly where I need to be. Because Wyatt is my child…

My sweet little boy was taken from me. There are dark secrets in my past that will stop me from ever getting Wyatt back, but now I’m his nanny, I’ll finally get to raise him like he’s my own.

When I arrive at the Mayers’ house, I’m stunned by the striking glass family home and Robin and Paul’s lavish lifestyle, which I couldn’t afford in my wildest dreams. But Wyatt seems troubled. Robin claims he needs therapy, she says he barely speaks to her, and soon I realise that he’s rarely allowed to leave the house…

When Wyatt gives me a shy smile and begins to open up, it’s clear he needed me just as much as I needed him. We’re making up for the time we lost with long afternoons playing games and baking apple pie.

Everything finally seems perfect in my life. Until I find out what happened to his last nanny…


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Category: How To and Tips

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  1. Pamela says:

    You mapped out my writing process!! It works for me. I just committed to a new book due in 2 months. Lol thanks for posting.

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