Author Archive: Jenn Lyons

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Why All Writers Are Worldbuilders

Why All Writers Are Worldbuilders

Sometime last year I remember reading an article about worldbuilding which suggested it was overrated and unnecessary. I had the perhaps predictable kneejerk reaction about it. After all, I take a considerable amount of joy when it comes to the worldbuilding process. I really love worldbuilding. A lot. Then I really thought about it. This […]

February 5, 2019 | By | 1 Reply More
Learning My Strengths

Learning My Strengths

Allow me to a paint a picture of the woman I was five years ago. I worked long hours at a video game company, which almost anyone who works at a video game company does (it’s a field we join from love, you see, so we’re not supposed to mind the soul-crushing overtime.) I commuted […]

July 27, 2017 | By | Reply More