Author Archive: K. A. Laity

K. A. Laity is an all-purpose writer, Fulbrighter, uberskiver, medievalist, humorist, flâneuse, techno-shamanka,Broad Universe social media maven, and Pirate Pub Captain who is currently anchored in Dundee, Scotland.

Visit Kate’s Facebook page or her website.

Follow Kate on Twitter: @katelaity.

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Growing a Thick Skin by K. A. Laity

Growing a Thick Skin by K. A. Laity

Dorothy Parker’s work may be awash with cynicism, but so often she is right on the money. In her wistful poem “Observation” she considers doing better with her life—getting to bed early, abstaining from riotous overindulgence and undoubtedly completing the work for overdue deadlines. But in the end the famous wit concludes, But I shall […]

November 27, 2013 | By | 37 Replies More
Casting the Writer’s Spell

Casting the Writer’s Spell

In my creative writing courses, I wave my magic pencil over my students and declare them to be writers—at least for the duration of the semester. After that, I say, it’s up to them to take over the spell. They generally giggle and roll their eyes (they’re college students after all), but I think it […]

July 8, 2012 | By | 12 Replies More