Be Your Own Medical Intuitive by Tina Zion

October 1, 2021 | By | Reply More

Be Your Own Medical Intuitive

by Tina Zion

I must begin by telling you a truth. I really struggled to consider myself a writer, even after writing five books, and two of them 1st place gold award winners. Have you ever had the same deep fears or worries? Do you sometimes ask yourself this question, “Am I truly a writer when I am often so blocked, so consumed by life, and struggle to write the next word?” Truly, you are not alone. Here is my story of not being a writer to becoming an award-winning author with my books selling in over 40 countries. 

For over 3 years, no matter what I was doing, my inner voice kept saying, “You have got to write a book.” To that voice I would respond, “I know, I know but I have a full-time career as a mental health counselor and clinical hypnotherapist. I have my own company and all the details that come with that. I have grandkids. The grass hasn’t been mowed for 2 weeks. I don’t have time to write a book!” I declared into the air around me. 

Each time I thought of taking time off to write my book, my heart soared and my face smiled. The frown came next as I wondered how on earth I would manage life’s responsibilities. At first that voice boomed throughout my soul. Year after year, that voice continued to sink into the quieter regions of my mind, as the yearning continued to quietly echo within hollows of my heart. The demands of my life continued to grow, and even my heart’s desires began to fade away.  

Now I know that when you make the decision to follow your heart, all the pieces begin to fall into place. It’s as if the Universe sighs in relief, then jumps into action to line up the right people, places and things for you to follow your dreams. I closed my office, bought a laptop, turned my dining room into my studio/office and began to write. I wrote for hours and hours each day. I typed until I became “seasick” watching the computer screen as I copied and pasted all over the place. 

Throughout the day I looked out my window and watched the birds at the feeder or the occasional deer as it passed by. The house was so quiet as if it too exhaled a long, long sigh. I wrote down everything I knew about Reiki and then wrote another book about medical intuition. I created two books that summarized all that I had been teaching for over 20 years. I not only wrote those first two books but now my fifth book, Be Your Own Medical Intuitive, was just released! I stopped the hectic activities of my other life and followed my heart. I took inspired action.  

Every moment of our lives we take huge amounts of action but is it inspired action? Everything that we do, or don’t do, is some form of action. Each thought is an electrical spark of energy that surges throughout your physical body, your energy field then out into the world around you. Walking across a room, accepting a job offer or calling someone for a lunch date is taking an action. Our lives are made up of constant movement and constant thought. But are we noticing the whispers of our intuitive soul?  

When we consciously make the decision to follow our intuitive inspirations, a sigh of relief echoes and reverberates across the cosmos. We have finally listened to our spirit and our soul’s intention. We have lined up our physical life on Earth with the inspired path of our soul. We have allowed the two to blend naturally, one foot in the physical world and one foot in the nonphysical world of our inspirations at the same time, creating real balance. 

The world opened and my life changed in so many new and surprising ways that I never dreamed could come true. What would happen if you allowed yourself to notice the tug within your heart and take that inspired action right now? Follow your own personal inspirations and watch your life shift…step by step by inspired step……

In Light, Love and Laughter…………

Tina Zion 


Tina Zion is the globally acclaimed award-winning author of three medical intuitive books. Become a Medical Intuitive won 1st Place Gold from the Body Mind Spirit Book Awards in 2019 and Advanced Medical Intuition won the 2020 COVR Visionary Award along with 5 star ratings on Amazon. She is also the author of two Reiki books, The Reiki Teacher’s Manual and Reiki and Your Intuition. Her new book, Be Your Own Medical Intuitive, released on October 1, 2021.

Tina’s books sell in over 40 countries and have been #1 in Canada and Australia.

She teaches in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Europe, Canada, Mexico and throughout the USA. She is also a contributing author in Michael Newton’s book, Memories of the Afterlife. Tina has taught self-development courses for 30 years and specifically has specialized in medical intuition for over 10 years, always with 100% stunning reviews by her students. For more information, please visit and follow Tina on Facebook and Twitter.

Be Your Own Medical Intuitive

Find yourself in this book as it guides you forward into your own personal healing.

This book is your companion to first exponentially increase your intuition to the highest level. Then it guides you through exact healing methods that have improved people’s lives for decades.

Medical intuition is not a gift that only a few people in the world have. You are already wired to be intuitive and so is everyone else. It is a learned skill and this book brings that skill into your life to learn, heal, and master your life in profound new levels.

If you are wondering if this book will change your life. . . Yes! You will understand yourself and everyone around you in new ways. You will be different. You will be more powerfully aware, and this will become your new normal.

This book is your healing companion. The story of your intuitive life is in your hands. The story of your healing is in your hands as well.

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