Finding the right fit: How I found my agent By Elissa Grossell Dickey

August 15, 2021 | By | Reply More

Finding the right fit: How I found my agent

By Elissa Grossell Dickey

Almost five years ago, I was fresh off the thrill of participating in Pitch Wars, waiting to hear back from agent-round requests, and overall excited for the possibilities. They say that publishing is incredibly slow until it’s suddenly not—and that was so true for me.

Because it was also time for another Pit Mad event on Twitter. I pitched my manuscript, and agent Sharon Pelletier of Dystel, Goderich, and Bourret liked my tweet. So, I sent off my query and chapters, fingers crossed. A few days later, Sharon emailed asking me to send the full manuscript. Then a few days after that, she wrote back and wanted to set up a call. 

Not just a call—the call. 

We spoke the next day, and because I was a bundle of anxiety, I now couldn’t tell you everything we talked about! But I do remember using these fantastic questions by one of Sharon’s colleagues at DG&B. Arguably the most important question on that list was: What happens if this book doesn’t sell?

Sharon’s answer was perfect: We’d work on my next project. I knew I wanted an agent who was in it for my entire career, not just one book—and I would recommend the same to any author in the query trenches now.

Because the reality is, your first book on sub might not sell. Mine didn’t, and let me tell you, the self-doubt and imposter syndrome can make it very hard to keep writing. But through it all, Sharon was in my corner, believing in my writing and my career. That’s what you want in an agent.

Another thing I remember discussing shortly after signing with Sharon: my chronic illness. Admittedly, a small part of me was nervous to tell her I have multiple sclerosis, like maybe she’d change her mind. But she was so kind and supportive, telling me to do what I need to do to take care of my health. I realize how fortunate I am, in so many ways.

That support helped give me the courage to write the manuscript that would become my debut. The Speed of Light was the first story I’d written with a main character who shares my illness. Now that it’s my debut novel, released in March of this year from Lake Union Publishing, I couldn’t be prouder.

In working on The Speed of Light, I’m very lucky to have an editorial agent like Sharon, providing superb insight and helping to develop the story idea. When I was first starting the story, I actually had what I thought were two separate ideas, but it felt like neither was quite working on its own. Sharon helped me realize that what I had were two timelines in the same story, and my debut was born.

Her advice, “The Thing and the Other Thing,” has stuck with me now as I come up with new story ideas. I’ll use the example of my upcoming second book, Iris in the Dark. It has the thing: An overprotective single mom reluctantly agrees to housesit at a lodge; and the other thing: One night at the lodge, she hears cries for help over a two-way radio and is forced to face her fears. 

Iris in the Dark also sold to Lake Union Publishing and will be released in spring 2022. Now looking to the future, I’m excited about my next book coming out and more projects in the works, knowing that Sharon will be in my corner guiding my writing career. And to all authors currently in the querying trenches: I wish you all the best in finding your right agent fit!

Author Bio

Elissa Grossell Dickey is the author of The Speed of Light and the upcoming Iris in the Dark. A former journalist, Elissa now works in higher education communications and has blogged for the National MS Society. Originally from Minnesota, Elissa now lives in South Dakota with her husband and children. Find out more about Elissa on her website

About The Speed of Light

The Speed of Light is a compelling and provocative debut novel told in intersecting timelines over a tumultuous, defining year in one woman’s life.

Simone is trying her best not to think of what she’s lost. Diagnosed with MS, she awaits the results of another anxiety-inducing MRI. She’s just walked away from Connor, “a fixer” but possibly the love of her life. And nearing the holidays, the sights and sounds of winter in South Dakota only prick memories of better years gone by. Then, on a December morning at the university where she works, jarring gunshots pierce the halls. In a temporary safe place and terrified, Simone listens and pretends this will all be over soon.

As she waits for silence, her mind racing, Simone’s past year comes into focus. Falling in love and missing it. Finding strength in family and enduring friendships. Planning for the future, fearing it, and hoping against hope in dark places. Her life has been changing at the speed of light, and each crossroad brought Simone here, to this day, to endure the things she can’t control and to confront those that she can. Buy it here.

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