My Writing Tips And Advice

February 19, 2019 | By | Reply More

First up, if you have been thinking of writing and haven’t started, I suggest you do.

It won’t write itself. You must unleash the demons so to speak and get writing.

Don’t let any disabilities stop you from writing. If writing is your passion and you have dyslexia or are on the Autism spectrum disorder and struggle with English, just don’t let it detour you. You can always dictate your story to a recorder and have it typed out by another. You can also get a ghost writer. Whatever you do, follow your heart and passions. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. Believe in yourself always.

Take a look at some of the most famous writers with disabilities.

Helen Keller, blind and deaf.

Peter Winkler, rheumatoid arthritis.

Octavia E. Butlery, struggled with dyslexia.

Christy Brown, suffered from cerebral palsy and could only write with his toes.

Jorge Luis Borges, went completely blind at 55 and still carried on writing.

Read. I can not tell you how important it is to read. The more you read the better writer you will be.

Always have a notebook handy. You’ll be surprised at how often you come up with an idea.

You should always have a thesaurus close by.

Join writing groups, forums, and all social media. Build your fans before you publish, you are going to want and need a email list.

You don’t have to write every day. We all know how life is, but I will say this, do write when you can and don’t procrastinate about it. Stop the inner voices that convince you to not do it and replace that with a positive voice, that you CAN DO IT!

Research. This is something that you must do. Whatever you are writing about, research it. It could be the location of your story, the weather, the clothing, the houses, weapons etc. I honestly can not stress how important it is to do your research.

My last tip is the most important of all. Edit. Start saving now. You must have a professional editor and a cover artist to give your book the start that it needs. Nothing and I mean NOTHING is worse than having a great story that is unedited and one that has a poor book cover. Start searching now for the right editor, get free samples from them. Start looking for a great book cover artist. If you don’t know where to begin for that, come and see me as I do professional book covers and have done so for many years. I’m affordable too.

One extra tip, start a savings account for your future book promotions. While some promotions are free, some do cost and they can get very costly if you run more than one and often as you should. Even if you are picked up by a publisher, you will still need to pay for promotions. I wish someone told me this when I first started. The number of times I’ve gone broke from getting my book promoted is crazy. Don’t do that to yourself. Start Saving NOW!

Born and raised in New Zealand,  Ellie Douglas is a mother and wife who donates what spare time she has into volunteer work with Autistic children.

Ellie is addicted to horror, everything about it she loves. She enjoys creating strong characters that rise to the top from ordinary lives.

Her love affair with horror has seen her produce several award winning horror books.

Ellie is constantly striving to do more. She also makes professional book covers for authors and has helped people with making them a websites, banners, and logos.

Ellie’s ultimate aim is to give back, paying it forward and to constantly better herself. To give the audience amazing entertaining stories that she herself would read.

She would love to scare you…

Links of where I can be found. Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Instagram Twitter Google Plus Goodreads


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Category: Contemporary Women Writers, How To and Tips

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