New Year’s Writing Resolutions: Part One

December 24, 2018 | By | 1 Reply More

We asked some of our favorite authors to share their New Year’s Writing Resolutions with us! This is Part One!

Lisa Barr, Award-winning author of THE UNBREAKABLES (HarperCollins, June 4, 2019).

Write, Edit, Revise, SELF-CARE, repeat. Note: This year, 2019, I added SELF-CARE into the plot twist. As a Mom of three daughters, with a very demanding writing schedule – a new novel coming out in June, a new manuscript needing revision (deadlines, deadlines), blogs to be written, promotion to be implemented — I often run myself ragged.

I love what I do, but sometimes I forget to close the laptop, shut down the social networking 24/7 time suck, and just gift myself real down time. And when I do remember to pause, breathe, take a long walk, bike, yoga, and spend time with close girlfriends — I WRITE better, I MOM better, I WIFE better, I SLEEP better, I LIKE WHO I AM so much better. My lone Writing Resolution 2019: Delete “deplete” and add “revitalize” to my word count.

Twitter @lisabarr18

Julie Maloney, Author, Workshop & Retreat Leader

Years ago, when I was teaching in a college, the department chairperson asked me to teach a class called “Learning Techniques.” She handed me a textbook and I took it from there. A large portion of the book focused on long term and short term goals. I have always been a goal-oriented person. Even as a child, I imagined what could happen if I did this or that. I’m still the same.

So when I reflect on my writing life in 2018, I’m over-the-moon because my debut novel, “A Matter of Chance” hit the bookstores. I imagined it for nearly a decade! In 2019, I intend to keep my feet firmly on the ground, while I edit the heck out of my second novel. I simply must get this off my desk. So my short-term goal is to finish the revisions, of which I know there will be many. My long-term goal is to sell novel #2 to make room for novel #3 that is quietly but steadily zigzagging across my brain. One more thing: Ask me how I’m doing balancing my life. This is always a struggle because I love art and living. I’ll keep working on it in 2019.

Twitter JulieFMaloney

NYT & USA Today Bestselling Author Steena Holmes

New, shiny, exciting ideas are my downfall, time and time again. This year, I want to remain focused. I have a goal, my calendar is blocked off, my trips are planned…I know the book I want to write, the stories that I need to tell, I just need the focus to stay on point. My goal is to work ‘smarter’ not ‘harder’, but is that even possible? I’m about to find out!

I will remain accountable to friends who will help me stay on point (I hope) and I’m giving my husband permission to ‘gently’ ask me if this new idea is worth throwing my schedule off balance. Ack – balance…the dreaded word. 2019 is going to be about me getting back on track, having a plan and staying focused. Wish me luck!


Twitter @steenaholmes

Jennifer Haupt, Author of In the Shadow of 10,000 Hills

I know a lot of people don’t believe in making New Year’s resolutions, but I do think it’s important to have creative intent. Even on the days I don’t have enough “oomph” to actually write, my intent is to make the story world for my third novel more solid–more real.

That may mean conducting research, or taking a walk and thinking about the relationship between two characters, or being mindful while I read a novel I’m enjoying. (How does this author do X, Y or Z?) That way, when I’m ready to actually write it’s much easier.


Twitter @Jennifer_Haupt

Debut Suspense author Rea Frey

For 2019, I want to expand my writing chops. While my second book, BECAUSE YOU’RE MINE, will hit stores in August, I will also be writing my third book, as well as trying my hand at screenwriting…and even some different genres.

While writing for work is so fun, I want to get back into writing poetry for myself. Writing my intentions. Writing for my daughter. Writing for fun. Writing on a typewriter. Creating fictitious worlds for readers is truly the most fantastic job I could ever imagine. I feel lucky to do it and want to continue to grow my skillset, push myself in new directions, and read a shit ton of books along the way.

Twitter @reafrey_author

Camille Pagán, author of I’m Fine and Neither Are You (out 4/1/19)

My writing resolution for 2019 is to write things that bring readers (and myself!) joy. Obviously, that means writing joyful novels—but essays, newsletters, and even reported pieces, too. 2018 seemed like an especially fraught year, and maybe that’s why my favorite reads were those that lifted my spirits (Matchmaking for Beginners, Less, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Girl Wash Your face—to name a few). If my words make even a handful of people smile in 2019, I’ll have met my goal.

Twitter @cnoepagan

Whitney Dineen, National Bestselling and award-winning romcom and humor author.

Year after year I try to navigate the minefield of New Year’s resolutions, wondering what greatness to set my sights on. I mean, a clean slate, what an opportunity! This year I’ve decided to eschew the obvious pledges (Lose weight! Write more books! Travel!) and keep it simple. I’ve been thinking a lot about Max Ehrmann’s Desiderati.

The first part reads:
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
My sole resolution for 2019 is to remember that we are all children of creation, on our own paths that will lead us through both wonderful and treacherous times. We will often bump up against each other as we journey toward the inevitable. Hence, I resolve to treat people with the respect and dignity I wish to be treated with. Life is not always easy.

We do not always behave and act in a way we should. Yet we are here, sharing a planet together. I’m going to make the most of that beautiful gift.

Twitter @WhitneyDineen

Christine Nolfi, Award-winning author of the Sweet Lake series

In 2019, I’ll put my hybrid author talents to the test by publishing my first stand-alone novel for Lake Union, completing (and independently publishing) a metaphysical series entitled Heavenscribe,and preparing sample chapters of another stand-alone novel to pitch to my editor at Amazon Publishing.

In between all that writing, I’ll continue veering toward a paleo diet (for more energy) and sticking to my gym routine!

Twitter @christinenolfi

Orly Konig, Women’s Fiction Author

I stopped making resolutions a few years ago and, instead, started picking a word that helps guide me through the year. For 2019, my word is recommit. I keep a post-it note about my desk with the Flannery O’Connor quote: “I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.” Writing has been my release, my way of sorting through my thoughts and feelings. Lately though, I’ve felt like I’ve lost touch with that. Writing became more about marketing and goals than about thoughts and feelings. So for 2019, I will recommit to my writing, to putting the words first, and to reopening the door to the emotions that bind those words together.

Twitter @OrlyKonig


Part 2 Coming up next!

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Category: Contemporary Women Writers, How To and Tips

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  1. Love reading these. Excellent variety. I gave up New Year’s Resolutions years ago, but I still set goals, though they are not written in stone.

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