On Creating Love Unleashed by Nicola Amadora PhD

January 22, 2024 | By | Reply More

Seek not the fleeting safety of this world, my friend, but take refuge in the only safety there is: your heart. The truth itself or call it love.  

Years ago, when spiritual tourism didn’t yet exist in the Amazon, I had the good fortune to live in the heart of the jungle with an indigenous tribe and learn from a crinkled, powerful shaman woman. One auspicious day she motioned me to follow her. Curiously, I walked barefoot beneath the vibrant, humongous trees and thick roots until we reached an opening where the sun pierced through.

It was so hot, I was dripping wet. She told me that this was my initiation and if I succumbed to fear I would die. In a serious, fierce tone, she asked if I was ready. Well,  if I died here it would be ok, or so I thought (I didn’t have a child yet.)  Little scared me, except big hairy spiders, and I encountered plenty of these here, even in my bed. So I motioned, unperturbed, with no clue what awaited me: Sure, ready for anything.  

She covered my eyes with a worn cloth and began chanting. I dropped into stillness, while heavy footsteps approached. Suddenly from behind,  an enormous weight was laid upon my shoulders. Immediately I sank to my knees and ripped off the scarf from my eyes. Shock jolts surged through my entire body. This was a full-grown anaconda snake hanging on me! Holy Mother. My teacher laughed through her brownish teeth and declared that the snake hadn’t eaten. So if I freak-out she would strangle me and could not be loosened. Was she joking? I realized quickly, unfortunately not. Slowly the snake’s head moved straight toward my face, with her tongue sticking out, hissing at me.  

No fear? I was terrified out of my wits and shaking like a leaf. To make matters worse, with focused motion, she was slithering closer and closer toward my wet, soft neck. Instinctively I had put my hands there.  Naïve, for that would make no difference whatsoever now.  

What do you do, when you can’t stop fear and it will surely lead to what you fear the most?  

Will it be life or death? I had only seconds. Sweat was dripping from my forehead. This was the test for real, without drugs, imaginations or crutches. Would years of spiritual practice and training get me through? And what would love do in this wild trial?

You’ve got to read the book to find out… 

What was revealed in this intense moment of hanging on the cliff between life and death showed me the way and it helps many people around the world today.  

You see it; we are all thrown into the turbulent rapids in these times,  personally and globally. But what do you do when you’re left rudderless in the great sea, traumas arise and you’re longing for safe refuge, a hand, and nothing is in sight? Maybe you wonder how to sense your heart and soul with your child or mate and embody the truth you’ve glimpsed. And this question nags most of us: How do we respond to wars, global  warming, violation of women, racism…and make a difference for the great turning we are called to show up for?  

That’s why wrote this book. I began the journey in the wilderness by writing on scraps of paper long before ‘Love Unleashed’ was picked up  by a publisher. What gave me the courage to keep going when I felt it  would never be ready, was this one precious moment: 

I was sitting alone, silently, in the dark. In the stillness of a campsite at the base of Mt. Shasta, I watched the silver moon slowly rising in the starlit sky. In prayer, I asked: “How can I be of greater service, given what  is going on in our world?” 

The soft summer wind was rustling through the branches of the large fir trees surrounding me. I was taken into a vibrant communion with the earth. Suddenly, I heard steps nearby, human or animal? I could not tell until it was a few feet away. Only then did I recognize the beauty of a  grown stag standing before me, looking deeply with his brown eyes into mine. Mesmerized we both gazed, it seemed for eternity.  

At that moment, I heard clear words: “Write for love and all of life, for  the great turning we urgently need now.” As if to confirm the message I  had received, the stag approached and touched my shoulder with his soft snout. Then slowly he turned around and walked back into the woods. I reached for my shoulder; indeed I wasn’t dreaming, the spot was moist.

He had given me the inspiration to write this book and a  blessing, one, which I will never forget.

What to do when life calls you? I took my pen and began to write by candlelight till midnight. 

I didn’t want to write yet another spiritual book, based on transcended concepts and superficial light shows – leaving out our human vulnerability, the earth, the feminine, and our relationships. Nor, a  personal growth book, where you become a never-ending improvement project; or a dry cracker psychology guide that has no heart. What then instead? I pondered in the wee morning hours on that broken wooden bench in the camp. 

Suddenly, it emerged rumbling from below, from within. 

I felt urged to write a book that is alive, carries a transmission and includes the whole symphony of life. With true, inspiring adventure stories, wisdom gleaned from decades on this embodied spiritual path and my work with thousands of people around the world, with sound practices that help you in daily life. 

To guide toward connecting deeply to the source, so love is utterly real for you, and becomes embodied quite naturally. A unique book, which unites spirituality, psychology, and activism. Offering a hand like a dear friend, to walk through our glories and messes with presence and deal wisely, and courageously with our personal and global challenges. To give inspiration and skills that reveal ingenious ways to turn the tide in our lives and this world. For we have reached the edge. 

Ever wondered what can turn your life or our world around? And what will stop us from repeating insane history to live a ‘real to the bone’ love story  instead? 

Discover what an anaconda snake, a mountain lion, holy saints, a  Tibetan monk who worshipped ants, a woman from a laundry mat, and others who left a mark, got to do with that. And how this deep path of embodied spirituality, helps us to rise in a world on the edge to live the greatest love story ever told.  

Isn’t it time for that?

Dr. Nicola Amadora is an international Spiritual Teacher, Psychologist, Hakomi & Trauma Therapist, Women Leader, Author, and Speaker. She dedicates her work to the awakening of all beings and to compassionate action on our planet. With elegance and depth, she passionately supports people to live from presence, connection, and wholeheartedness in the world.

Nicola guides in an empowering, integrated, and holistic way. She teaches with a non-dual, feminine, trauma-sensitive, and relational approach, addressing suffering as a call for real love. With a unique combination of substantial professional education, decades of experience leading people successfully, and walking the spiritual path in daily life since her early teens, Nicola unites depth psychology and embodied spirituality in all of her offerings to unleash love in a world on the edge.

For 30 years she has served organizations, communities, groups, families, couples, and individuals worldwide. Dr. Amadora offers a rich banquet of life experience, high-level professional expertise, and mystical transmission from a deep well of wisdom. She is the Founder of ‘Living Connection’, the ‘Deep Feminine Way’, and ‘Resonance Relating’, which contribute to transformation in people and the great turning in our world. Nicola is known for her integrity with a fierce, tender love for all beings.

LOVE UNLEASHED, Nicola Amadora

It’s a kiss, a yearning fulfilled …a torch in the night rising to show the way when we have come to the edge. Urging us to plunge into the depths and heights of love to turn the tide in our lives and this world. Uniting human vulnerability and magnificent divinity in real life, this book unleashes a grounded, enlivened path of spirituality for these wild times. You are invited into true adventure stories, refined practices and juicy wisdom teachings. Guiding you to realize and embody the fountain of love’s presence in the muck and beauty, here on Earth and with each other now. For the sake of all beings – savor deeply, connect intimately and live the greatest love story ever told!







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