Unleash Your Creative Flair With Blue

June 4, 2017 | By | 2 Replies More

Each of us has seven selves: self-preservation, self-gratification, self-definition, self-acceptance, self-expression, self-reflection, and self-knowledge. Writers tend to focus on self-expression.

Each self is associated with—and influenced by—a color. Every color has a different wavelength and individual properties, both positive and negative.

Color is simply energy; energy made visible. As human beings, color is the only energy we can see. While the speed of light is a constant 186,282 miles per second, the speed of color—its frequency—travels at varying speeds depending on the color and shade. As it meets the rods and cones in our eyes, the frequency sends a signal to our brain that allows us to distinguish one color from another.

The colors we wear and surround ourselves with in our home and office stimulate the way we think and feel, and the way our body’s organs, glands, and systems function. That’s where color therapy—treatment with the appropriate color—comes in. We can use color to stimulate or inhibit the functioning of different parts of our body; to restore balance and normal function.

For instance, the healing properties of blue are cooling and protective and can address physical symptoms such as high blood pressure, migraine, fever, cuts, stings/burns, and negatives states of mind such as timidity, fatigue, distrust, indecision, fear of speaking up, and confrontation. Incorporating the color blue into our lives helps to lower blood pressure, decreases respiration, and is ideal for sleep and over-activity.

Blue is associated with self-expression and creativity. Especially important to writers, blue is the color that unleashes our creative flair! The frequency of blue additionally enhances the absorption of knowledge, promotes relaxation, and improves overall wellbeing. It’s the color of a cloudless summer sky. Think of your favorite faded denim jacket, robin’s eggs in a nest, an exquisite piece of turquoise, or the shimmering, inviting water in a swimming pool on a hot day.

Blue resonates with the throat chakra, the energy center located in the divot of our throat. It’s calming, expansive, and cool. The muted hues recall a post-rain sky; while the dignified shaded tones exude comfort and rest.

Color speaks volumes about our personal style without us having to say a word. And while color perception is highly personal and connects directly with individual memories and emotions, it’s also universal. Blue is a reflection of peace, calm, tact, sincerity, trust, fluency, introspection, and responsibility.

Blue stimulates harmonious, open, and clear communication, ingredients that are vital to working with others peacefully; it also enhances decision-making. Blue triggers original thought and boosts inspiration and creativity—the jackpot of attributes for writers.

When our throat chakra—the energy center where self-expression resides—is healthy and in balance, this self functions from a place of original thought. The shadow side is self-repression. When it’s out of balance, it starts acquiring baggage:

  • Physically—TMJ, mouth ulcers, throat issues
  • Mentally—deceitful, critical, creative block
  • Emotionally—addictive behaviors, lack of personal authority (self-discipline)
  • Spiritually—failure to follow one’s dream, no strength of will (fortitude)

Are you a writer who needs a boost in the areas of self-expression and creativity? Indulge yourself with the color blue. The frequency of blue resonates with the throat chakra. It creates a calm throat center from which to speak and write our truth. I wear a necklace made from blue lace agate and lapis lazuli. This knockout combination promotes creative flow. Additionally, the blue lace agate reminds me to speak my truth, and the lapis lazuli reminds me to dive headfirst into endless possibilities.

What we do with our physical environment—our writing space—speaks to our heart and helps us to flourish. Buy a piece of blue clothing. Add a splash of blue to your décor with flowers, pillows, a candle or a throw. Buy blue sheets that will gently encourage you to sleep at night. Or take advantage of the healing frequency of blue crystals such as aquamarine, turquoise, chrysocolla, or blue topaz. Unleash your creative flair with blue!

Board Certified with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, Laurie Buchanan is a holistic health practitioner, transformational life coach, speaker, and author of Note to Self: A Seven-Step Path to Gratitude and Growth.

Her areas of interest include energy medicine, inner alchemy, and spiritual awareness. Embracing the belief that “Life is an expression of the choices we make,” she’s a teacher and student of purposeful living.

With tremendous respect for the earth’s natural resources, her goal is to leave the slightest footprint on the planet, while at the same time making a lasting impression on its inhabitants—one that’s positive, uplifting, constructive, and healing.

A minimalist by intent, she lives a beautiful life with fewer things—simple, yet full.

Find out more about her on her Website https://tuesdayswithlaurie.com/

Follow her on Twitter @TuesWithLaurie


Baggage! We all carry it with us through life.

It comes in a wide variety of styles, shapes, and colors―more than enough to accommodate the stuff that we accumulate through life. And no matter how we dress it up, it’s frustrating, inconvenient, and slows us down. In fact, it’s downright disruptive.

This book is about offloading emotional baggage―something that’s especially important when we realize that we don’t just pack for one; we pack for seven. Each of the seven selves―self-preservation, self-gratification, self-definition, self-acceptance, self-expression, self-reflection, and self-knowledge―has characteristics, wellness types, and shadows. Each plays a vital role in harmony, overall health, and well-being.

Chock full of real-life emotional examples, as well as “keys” at the end of each chapter offering actionable tips, techniques, and exercises designed to help you unlock baggage, examine it, and offload it permanently, Note to Self will help you discover a lighter, joy-filled you!

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Category: How To and Tips

Comments (2)

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  1. Eva — I’m glad this resonated with you. In my book (Note to Self: A Seven-Step Path to Gratitude and Growth) I talk about the use of color (including a chapter on blue) for the purpose of healing. Here is a link to a post with more information about the color blue on my blog—Tuesdays With Laurie: https://tuesdayswithlaurie.com/2010/09/30/blue-unleash-your-creative-flair/


  2. Eva K says:

    I love this! Thank you so much for sharing. I’ve been seeking blue lately… this explains why. I’m wondering if there’s a difference in “energy” between sky blue and navy blue. I’ve been looking for periwinkle. Curious to know if there’s more meaning behind this.

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