Interview – Karin Biggs, Author of The King’s 100

July 21, 2020 | By | Reply More


Sixteen-year-old Piper Parish, princess of the loveless, STEM-only kingdom of Capalon, is a disappointment to her citizens and to her older sister, the queen. When Piper receives an anonymous note stating her mother is still alive and living in the enemy kingdom of Mondaria, Piper chooses to risk death in effort to prove once and for all that she’s not just the queen’s defective little sister. With the companionship of Chip, a piece of tech embedded in her wrist, Piper flees Capalon and enters a world where love and emotional expression are unrestricted.

Posing as a singer for the enemy king’s court of performers, the King’s 100, Piper risks death if she is revealed to be the Capalon princess, but discovers that living a life without the freedom to love might actually be the most dangerous risk of all.

The King’s 100 is a glittering and mysterious love story woven among the camaraderie singers, drummers and magicians in a future world by debut author, Karin Biggs. 


Tell us about your beginning, where are you from?

I’m from Dayton, Ohio and spent most of my school years in some form of choir or performance group. 

How did your childhood impact the writer you’ve become?

I actually was not a big reader as a child, but watched a ton of movies (mostly musicals and Disney) and had a very active imagination, which has never gone away! I attribute my story ideas to my active imagination and vivid dreams.

When did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

After college, I would get spur of the moment story idea or have a vivid dream and write down a short summary of it on my computer. It wasn’t until I left my career in event planning to become a stay-at-home mom that I put the pedal to the metal on completing my first manuscript.

How has writing changed you as a person?

Having finally taken the time to develop this talent of mine, I feel way more comfortable in my own skin as an artist and a person. 

What inspired you to write The King’s 100? 

I was inspired by a mixture of my own life experience as a singer in numerous performance groups, a very vivid dream I had about six years ago and countless hours of daydreams. Plus, the romantic plot was loosely inspired by my own romantic plot with my husband. 🙂

What would be your 6 word memoir?

Hey, want to sing with me?

What is the best writing advice you’ve ever had, and the worst?

Best: Dissect your favorite books to understand exactly why you love them and incorporate those reasons into your own writing. Worst: Hmm…not sure that I’ve ever received bad advice, but I have found it funny that when people find out you are a novelist, they like to give you unsolicited ideas on what you should write about.

What is your writing process like? Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I’m a plantser! I start out with a short outline, then write the biggest scenes first in an attempt to understand where my characters need to eventually go. 

Do you need a special place to write?

I did at first, but now that I have a four year old daughter and have been cooped up inside because of the pandemic, I have been forced to write through any and all distractions.

Are you part of a writing community or a writing group?

I have the BEST critique partners! Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that family members aren’t valuable CP’s – my CP’s are all family members and I’m thankful that they all have something different to bring to the table from their interests and careers. I also try to keep up with writing communities on social media. #WritingCommunity

What is your experience with social media as a writer? Do you find it distracts you or does it provide inspiration?

Social media can definitely be intimidating but I am so grateful for it! It distracts me AND provides inspiration. My favorite platform is Instagram, so please friend me if you are on there! @authorkarinbiggs 

Who are your favorite authors?

Stephanie Garber, Richelle Mead, J.K .Rowling, Lorie Langdon, Erin Morgenstern, Evelyn Skye…

What are you reading currently?

But for the Mountains by Erin Riha.


Karin earned her bachelor’s degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Purdue University and served as an event planner for two Big 10 universities and various non-profits for over eight years before becoming a stay-at-home-mom. She enjoys chocolate-covered peanuts, uninterrupted sleep and singing with other people. Karin lives in Ohio with her husband, daughter, cat and dog.






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Category: Contemporary Women Writers, Interviews

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