Category: US American Women Writers

US American Poet Prudy Sutherland
Prudy Sutherland lived in the 20th century in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Florida. Born at the end of World War II with cerebral palsy, to a highly educated family, she became a writer of poems, short stories and essays, and likely would have published had she been born just 25 years later. As a young girl […]

Book Review: Lisa Bloom’s Swagger
If you’re interested in a hard-hitting, information-packed, passionate examination of how our American culture is impacting boys in the beginning of this 21st century, Swagger will shake you up. The facts aren’t new. But like an award-winning documentary producer, Author Lisa Bloom focuses in on the important ones, and gives them context and conclusions. The […]

Breaking a Glass Ceiling
You’ve probably heard of THE glass ceiling. There is another glass ceiling that everyone encounters that has nothing to do with gender; it’s a glass ceiling of negative beliefs. I dreamed about my writing career since childhood and strived toward being a career novelist. I had “big ideas.” But even while writing and working toward this […]

The Key to Selling Self-Published Books
Self-published authors face an uphill battle when it comes to marketing and selling our books. The stigma that self-published books face is a tough one to shed. And, to top it off, most of us don’t have much help promoting our books. So selling self-published books is a challenge. I have a Twitter account with […]

Letter from the Editor
This letter is about what Women Writers, Women Books means to its editor, within the context of her life. I grew up moving. Moved when I was 1, 2, 3, 5 and we kept moving. Cambridge, Massachusetts. London, England. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Amman, Jordan. Port Said, Egypt. And on. And on. So many places I had to write a […]

Authors, Are You Ready – Media Ready?
Authors, are you ready – Media Ready? Are you ready to answer questions? From fellow writers. Friends. Bloggers. Book reviewers. Radio interviewers. TV hosts. Questions like: ‘Who are you?’ ‘What’s your book about?’ ‘Why should I fork out twenty bucks to read your work?’ These are tough yet realistic questions every author must answer, and […]
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