RSSCategory: On Publishing

Prime Time for Your Short Stories

Prime Time for Your Short Stories

In A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf’s treatise on women and fiction, Mrs. Woolf lamented that, historically, women had to have both money and a room of their own in order to write – two resources that had been universally difficult, if not impossible, for women to attain back then. However, these days women only […]

August 22, 2012 | By | 2 Replies More
How to Promote Your Book with Social Media

How to Promote Your Book with Social Media

While no one-size-fits-all blueprint exists for promoting books on social media sites, there are several important areas to consider to connect with your target audiences. You can put as little or as much time and effort into promoting your book online as you choose; the power to connect with potential readers is in your own […]

July 26, 2012 | By | 14 Replies More
Author Interview: Lorna Suzuki

Author Interview: Lorna Suzuki

Three of your books have been optioned for movies! That’s exciting. What inspired your books? I wrote the Imago Chronicles for my daughter as a lasting gift for when I’m dead and gone, but I was inspired to create my protagonist during a martial arts seminar where I was the only female instructor. The women […]

July 18, 2012 | By | 2 Replies More
You’re Never Too Old to Write a Book

You’re Never Too Old to Write a Book

“Big deal,” I hear you saying.  Of course you’re never too old to write a book! These days, anyone can become an author. It is so easy; by using “Publishing on Demand” and publishing on the internet, anyone can get a book out there. So what am I talking about?  I’m talking about the fact […]

June 21, 2012 | By | 13 Replies More
The Writing Part is Easy: A Publishing Story

The Writing Part is Easy: A Publishing Story

So you find an hour here and there, a weekend, holidays, and when the kids are gone for the summer. You write. Stops and starts. It’s all wrong and then finally you find your voice and then it flows. Ah. You’re in the throes of creativity. Thoughts come on their own accord. While you’re in […]

June 5, 2012 | By | 9 Replies More
Deer in the Headlights: A Marketing Pro Self-Publishes

Deer in the Headlights: A Marketing Pro Self-Publishes

I should have known. In the passions of finally committing myself to the authorship of a book, one I knew from the beginning I would not shop with literary agents or publishing houses, I utterly failed myself in not treating my book, All That I Need, or Live Like a Dog With Its Head Out the […]

April 20, 2012 | By | 2 Replies More
QUEER GREER: From Self-Published to Indie Pubbed

QUEER GREER: From Self-Published to Indie Pubbed

I wrote my first novel, Queer Greer, in 2007. The arduous process of querying literary agents and publishers started the following year. Several dozen rejection letters later, I was not dissuaded from my belief that I had a publishable piece of work – only that, perhaps, the traditional publishing route was not the best way […]

April 16, 2012 | By | 8 Replies More
The Challenges of Self-Publishing – And Why I’d Do It Again

The Challenges of Self-Publishing – And Why I’d Do It Again

With a publisher, fame and fortune would certainly follow.  Right? The idea for Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs came to me in the night.  Literally.  At 2 AM, I raced to a lined yellow pad and each of the 51 chapters fell out of my head and onto the paper.  Just like […]

April 13, 2012 | By | 11 Replies More
Post-Publication Depression? The Months after a Book Release

Post-Publication Depression? The Months after a Book Release

The feeling took hold in slow small increments. It was inexplicable. Unfamiliar. An odd combination of melancholy and listlessness, a howl released into the night sky except echoing inward. My debut novel had been released in August and the excitement I felt at its release was euphoric. I was so lucky to be published and […]

April 10, 2012 | By | 14 Replies More
The Key to Selling Self-Published Books

The Key to Selling Self-Published Books

Self-published authors face an uphill battle when it comes to marketing and selling our books. The stigma that self-published books face is a tough one to shed. And, to top it off, most of us don’t have much help promoting our books. So selling self-published books is a challenge. I have a Twitter account with […]

January 4, 2012 | By | 6 Replies More