On Writing Emotional Repatterning

April 1, 2021 | By | Reply More

A number of years ago, I went to see a psychic who was supposed to be very good.

It wasn’t my first experience seeing a psychic, nor do I suppose will it be my last.

It was a very interesting reading, for numerous reasons, but one thing in particular didn’t seem accurate: she told me within the first few minutes that I would write a self-help book that would be very successful, and in fact, would turn into a series of books. Most of the other things she said that day made sense in one way or another. But not that prediction. 

For the 20 years prior to that reading, I had been practising naturopathic medicine, and specifically homeopathy, as my profession. While I love my work and the incredible gift of being able to help my patients achieve greater health and well-being, I never felt the need or desire to write a book about it. There are already so many books written on these subjects and I honestly didn’t feel I had anything new to add. It was not interesting to me to write a book just to reiterate what had already been said.

I left the psychic’s office pretty sure she was wrong.

Around that same time, I began to be interested in how to work more closely with my patients on the psychological level. This is because I was becoming more and more convinced about the connection between a distressed emotional state and ill health. And, because more and more often, I felt that the naturopathic tools I had at my disposal were unable to help me address my patients on this level. And, because it seemed that more and more patients were coming to me on anti-depressant and anti-anxiety meds – wanting to get off.

I began to search for tools and techniques I could learn to better help my patients. I trained in a variety of techniques to work with understanding “stuck” emotions, creating change by releasing old emotions and trauma, how to identify and change underlying beliefs, connecting with the Creator to shift patterns, etc. It was a fascinating study, which I greatly benefited from on a personal level. As I began applying an amalgamation of what I had learned with my patients, deep and profound shifts began to happen; actually, astonishing things began to change for them.

After a few years of working with patients in this capacity, I started to realize that our problems are all much more the same than different. Sure, the details are different for each one of us, and on the surface, my problems might seem totally unrelated to yours, but when you boil it all down, we are all struggling and suffering from the same “wrong thinking,” misperceptions if you will, which are making us miserable.

And I couldn’t understand why we were never taught to identify these patterns, or thinking traps, as I refer to them. When I think of all the things I learned in all my many long years of schooling, most of which I never needed nor used, I couldn’t understand why we are not taught to identify these basic issues that so commonly interfere with our happiness – and how to address them. 

And then I knew the answer. It’s because the people who were responsible for teaching us all these years, parents, educators, etc., didn’t know either. 

And I realized that I needed to write a book, a book that would simply and clearly lay it out: what are the common thinking traps, the twisted ways of interpreting our circumstances, that keep many of us so miserable? And how do we change them? What are the common limiting beliefs that underlie this wrong thinking… and how to repair this?

It didn’t take long for the psychic’s prediction to come flying back from the past. I sure did have a chuckle. Because now I actually felt that I had something to say. Something important.

I must say, it felt like my book, Emotional Repatterning, wrote itself. I realized that by using my patient’s stories I could best illustrate common examples of what we are all faced with, living this life on Planet Earth. And, understanding this as the common human condition, how to recognize it and repattern it.

In Emotional Repatterning, I name the areas in which we commonly struggle: with Self-Love; with Acceptance of things as they are; with taking Responsibility for our part (rather than blaming); in making up Stories (internal monologues) which perpetuate our misery; in failing to recognize that we are not alone but in Co-Creation; in not recognizing our challenges as Gifts from the Universe nudging us to grow; getting stuck in Regret; with fear and uncertainty about Death, which underpins much of our anxiety and angst.

I relay how I work with patients to see things more clearly, through better and more accurate lenses. How to heal the fractures within ourselves so that we address underlying patterns and negative subconscious beliefs that get in the way of achieving what we want in our lives. Beliefs such as not loving ourselves, not realizing our worth and value, not feeling safe, not trusting ourselves, not setting appropriate boundaries, not feeling we deserve to have what we want from life. We approach all of this by working on the roots of the issues, not focusing on the leaves.

My deepest hope is that the book, simple and straightforward as it is, will resonate with people and that they will see themselves in my patients’ stories and be able to apply the shifts in perception that occur in my office, to their own lives.

Lisa Samet, N.D.

Find out more about Lisa on her site: https://www.lisasamet.com/


“Clear and concise, Dr Samet has offered a book that can create real emotional change for seekers once and for all. Dr Samet’s approach to full wellness starts with the emotional terrain we all find ourselves in; patterns of old thinking that do not serve us currently and that also threaten to interfere with living our best and brightest lives. Emotional Repatterning is courageous as it tackles the obstacles to being fully alive and present in our lives. It provides a step-by-step approach to anyone who is looking to heal at a deeper level, beyond where supplements, eating well and exercising can touch. This book provides a valuable solution that every person could benefit from; change your beliefs and your biology will follow. An easy and enticing read that I could not put down.” Dr. Mary Shackelton, MPH, ND

We have access to many tools to help us deal with the rising tide of anxiety and depression: psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), medication, meditation, positive affirmations. These methodologies are increasingly popular and have been able to bring some relief to many. But in terms of permanent, deep change, these options are sorely limited because they work solely with the conscious mind rather than with the underlying subconscious beliefs that drive our behavior. Recent research on the brain has revealed that we are only aware of 5% of our brain activity, while the other 95% is subconscious.

So, unless we work with both our conscious mind as well as our subconscious mind, we may find some decrease in our pain, but we will continue to struggle. Emotional Repatterning: Healing Emotional Pain by Rewiring the Brain provides insights, stories and examples from Lisa Samet’s life and the lives of her patients, as well as practical tools to uncover the subconscious beliefs that are holding us back.

It deepens the reader’s understanding of their own mind – the patterns of thinking and deep-seated beliefs that keep them feeling stuck and unhappy – and teaches skills to change both their thinking at the conscious level and their beliefs at the subco


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