Author Archive: Women Writers, Women's Books
Women Writers, Women, Books was started in 2011 to offer another way-station on the Internet by, for and about women writers, writing, publishing and marketing. "Interweaving the Conversations, Deepening the Connections." Write after reading Submission Guidelines to query.

Why Write?
Like J K Rowling, the big impetus to me getting my first book written – and then published – was poverty. No money, no job on the horizon and a mountain of bills. To put it poetically – or as a story teller would – it was like being a donkey beaten with a big […]

Exploring All Forms of Writing
I was offered my first professional writing contract in the 1980s – a two novel deal writing ‘bonkbusters’ for a major publishing house. It was in the days when vanity publishing was frowned upon and only traditional publishing gave an author credibility. This was long before Amazon invented Kindle. I thought I was made for […]

12 Tips for Writing Good Book Reviews
12 Tips for Writing Good Book Reviews There are a number of steps to take to write a good book review, but the most valuable tip of all may be this one: remember that book reviews have more than one audience. They aren’t only for readers. Book reviews are valuable to the book author who […]

Don’t have a Facebook Page yet? Reconsider…
Don’t have a Facebook Page? Reconsider… Most important, it enables anyone who wants a connection with you, to easily click, without personally bothering (interrupting, daring to request friendship of…) you. It shows up in Google searches (and Bing and Yahoo searches), as the FB pages are public. It is what was intended by Facebook, for […]

Guardian Books’ Claire Armistead interviews Barbara Taylor Bradford and Sheila Heti
Summary: “Claire Armitstead joins the publisher Lynne Drew and the author Barbara Taylor Bradford to discuss why women are still under-represented in the world of books.” We are grateful to Helena Agustsson, Communications Assistant at the National Literacy Trust for sending us this. Here is the latest Guardian Books podcast compiled in collaboration with the […]

Call for Submissions
Occasionally writers, editors and publishers let us know about Call for Submissions. We haven’t had the resources to add this reporting to our daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly work, but we can open a spot for you to post calls that you know of. We recommend that you highlight WHAT is being asked, the DEADLINE, […]

An American Bride in Kabul by Phyllis Chesler
An American Bride in Kabul by Phyllis Chesler We’re excited to bring you another book – this one by the noted feminist and author of Women and Madness, Phyllis Chesler. “The dramatic, riveting, and timely tale of how one woman’s harrowing ordeal in a harem in Afghanistan shaped her into a modern feminist leader […]
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